Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23rd.. 'cause I just can't come up with a title

Amazingly enough, I've had the last 3 days off and I have NO IDEA where the time went.

With the fantastic weekdays off comes the inevitable working through the weekend. Before I go AWOL from blogworld, I wanted to leave you with a few new sites around the Roberts household...

I've bought 4 area rugs since we've bought this house, all from, all have made me very, very happy. Rug numero quatro just came in about a week ago, ordered specifically for the *new* office.

I tried to make it manly, but more importantly - it's fun! We even got a new desk from craigslist. It's HUGE, 72 inches across! I love the desk space, lots of room for some decorating with a little room leftover to get some office type work done ;)

Sorry, no full room shots yet. I still have some decorating to do and a fish tank to buy fishes for before the finished product can be revealed. {What I'm doing here with that last sentence is pretending like it's all so exciting for you, like I usually do. Just play along or you'll hurt my feelings.}

***It's the "new" office because the old sad office was moved to this smaller room, which fits the lack of office furniture much better. The former office was much larger for our second guest bedroom... which will someday be the nursery♥. I figured we might as well get the office situated where it eventually would be anywho when those youngins come along.♥♥♥

Last stop, the basement, where the theater is coming along as well.

That's our little movie poster wall we've been planning for a while now. Nick and I each got to pick our top three movies to feature, which was very difficult to do and basically came down to the posters we liked the best out of our top twenty.

{{In case you were wondering, Nick's movie picks are Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Dark Knight {which scares me to look at} and Caddy Shack. Mine: Father of the Bride {no brainer!}, Ferris Bueller, and The Graduate.}}


The last few images are really just for me and my memories.

My sweet boys who I can never take enough pictures of:

And my sweet, just for the heck of it, flowers that my sweetie brought me home when he was just supposed to be out getting us a quick movie from RedBox tonight:

When I can't take them with me to work {my boys and my flowers}, I'll be checking my phone and this post just to take a peek at what I miss so much when I'm away.


  1. I love your theatre wall! And that rug is cute too! You all have done so much with your house in a short amount of time, it seriously motivates me. :)

  2. I like the rug. Looking at the last pictures I really miss Hendricks and Nick also. It seems so long since we have seen both. Love, Mom

  3. great idea to frame posters of your favorite movies!!
    i love caddy shack and father of the bride ;)
    the flowers are really pretty and pics of your boys are adorable! :)

    hope you have a great weekend hun!!

  4. I LOVE your movie poster wall. We have some vintage posters that we wanted to something like that with but because of our limited wall space it just looks like blah right now- someday when we have a house it will come together. In the mean time I just envy yours!

  5. I lol when you said it scared you to look at the poster! ha! And in case you don't go back to get my answer on my blog~ we let the spider go. Love the flowers!

  6. So so cute! I love looking at pictures of your adorable house! :)

    And I, too would be scared to look at that poster. The Dark Knight is one of my hubby's favorite movies and he likes to scare me by talking in the "joker" voice :)

  7. aw those flowers are so sweet! and your basement is lookin' good gal! xoxo

  8. oh my gosh ur house is amazing!!! Love it! You have a really sweet blog and I love your vintage background!
    If you would like come check out my blog and enter my current giveaway at
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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)