Sunday, September 27, 2009

my collections

While I've been gone, my various collections have been growing.

The collection of nagging "To Do" lists are piling up, jotted down everywhere from a script pad at work to the list function on my phone, or even the traditional slip of paper.

Unfinished projects are collecting themselves around the house. An in-process painted mirror in the family room floor, a stack of forms to fill out and mail into work on the dining room table, loads of clean laundry setting in baskets begging to be folded.

Happily, our furniture collection has been increasing as well. We recently lucked into buying a barely used, oversized king bedroom suit from another pharmacist at work who was moving and couldn't fit the monstrous furniture into his new master bedroom.

The new bedding has been ordered and I can't wait to show it all off. Until it arrives at our doorstep, my hubby and I have been spending our nights in the basement guest bedroom, which is fairly familiar seeing how it now holds all the old furniture moved out of our bedroom.

A sneak peak until all has been beautified and ready for a photo shoot:

Of course, with all the traveling, my collections of hotel amenities has flourished. I am close to set for the next decade with shampoo, conditioner, lotion, mouthwash, soap, shoe mitts, q-tips, facial cleansing cloths, toothpaste, sewing kits, shower caps, etc.

In reality, it all sits in the linen closet waiting for the time we're in a pinch and need one of these items. I believe I'll soon try to find a good home in need of these items and pass them on. Any suggestions?

With Fall's official arrival and my slight obsession with pumpkins, I have a hard time passing up any sort of faux pumpkins in the stores. I have been unable to find my fall boxes since the move to the new house {to my two mothers - have either of you seen a labeled "fall decor" box still being stored with you???} so these are only the pumpkins I've brought home this year. I can't wait to find the others and let them meet their new brothers and sisters.

Side note: I seriously ♥♥♥ pumpkins. I miss the others terribly. I am also in the process of planning to plant a real pumpkin patch for next year, as well as convincing my father he should plant one as well.

Double side note: I think everyone should know about the orange pumpkins below, called "funkins". These can be carved to your liking without the pumpking gut mess {which, actually, I love to getting into} and finished with a real candle placed inside. They're extremely realistic looking and you can spend a ridiculous amount of time carving a gorgeous design and not have to throw it away at the end of the month. Score!

My attempts at carving one soon to come.

In the last couple days, our backyard has started its own collection of rain water. Our small babbling brook, which normally barely has enough water to babble, has swollen to new depths.

I can just see our little pup, or "pupkin" as I've newly dubbed him, floating away down the muddy waters. Thankfully, he seems completely uninterested in the creek, soothing his momma's fears of losing him to the newest collection.

My absence has also caused an accumulation of pictures and stories from our everyday life to collect on the laptop. I wish I had the time to blog everyday to preserve our memories, but that hasn't been the case as of late.

Case in point: who wants to forget Nick's triumphant return to the game of baseball church softball. It brings back sweet memories of our undergraduate days at Georgetown.

The pupkin got to see his poppa play the game for the first time. He was slightly more amused by the fallen leaves in the grass than the fact that his daddy was at bat. He's still young...

Hopefully the time in between blogging will not be so vast in the future. I'd like to increase my "blog post collection" and decrease my "laundry pile collection". Fingers crossed!


  1. No pumpkins stored at my house, other than my own! 12+ boxes of pumpkin and Halloween Mania, only to be outdone by my 30+ boxes of X-maspalooza. Momma #1 taught us well!

    By the way, on the carvable pumpkins, I cut a hole in the bottom and put in a small light bulb with a power cord and a switch so that I can light them up every night instead of using a candle.

    From: Momma-Second in Command

  2. I can't wait to see the new bedroom. From the looks of the dresser it is going to be beautiful! You could check with a homeless shelter or women's shelter in the area to see if they could use them. I know I have helped assemble "personal care" bags to be handed out to women in need.

  3. I suggest donating those toiletries to a local school. You could give them to the counselor or PE/Health teacher and they could pass them out as needed:)

  4. I love that "Give Thanks" metal artwork. Where did you get it?

  5. Good to have you back in the blogging world! I love the pumpkin decorations you have out. Where did you get the cute sparkly one?

  6. You must travel a lot!! haha, love the stockpile of hotel supplies :)

  7. Ronald McDonald houses accept tolietries for families that come to stay with them!

  8. I am a huge pumpkin fan! I was actually good this year and only bought one new one to use as part of my center piece on my dinning room table. My husband has threatened against me buying new ones too add....for some reason he thinks I have too many!:)

  9. I love the bedroom furniture! Can't wait to see it all finished! I love pumpkins too! I can't wait to get into my new house to put out my fall stuff! I have all the sizes of pumpkin candles from Pottery Barn! Love fall and Love Christmas!
    Hope work is not killing is going to be the death of me! ha ;-)

  10. I loooove funkins! I JUST blogged about my glitter faux pumpkins, which are just as fabulous! I'm glad someone else likes pumpkins as much as I do! You should donate some of your travel items to a homeless shelter.

  11. I love your blog. I come by every day to see if you have updated and was so glad to see that you had today. I wanted to let you know that you canNOT put a real candle in a FunKin. You will burn your cute carving right up!

  12. My aunt keeps some of those hotel freebies and puts them out for guest when they come to stay with them. Last time we stayed with them we were just passing through and my husband forgot his toothbrush. Low and behold she even had some of those on hand, just in case. Love the fall decorations!

  13. I've wanted to try those pumpkins for the last few years - are they easy to carve? I love to carve pumpkins (and all the goo too!) and it sucks to throw them away after a few days or worse have neighborhood kids smash them in the street in the middle of the night!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)