Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm writing this post during commercial breaks from "Glee". If you haven't seen it, you should.

It may be set in a high school backdrop, but I think it's actually written for adults. "I think" because I think I may be an adult.

In the past week, fall has swept into our little town and home so quickly I didn't even get to say my proper goodbyes to summer.

The air is cool, the breeze is blowing, and I can smell the holidays approaching.

I should mention now that I am head over hills in love with fall. It brings a wonderfully skippity-doo-da feeling to my soul that is indescribable.

Heck, I even want to name our future girl munchkin Autumn in honor of this very special time of year that makes me want to do a happy dance each and every time I step off the front stoop.

But that probably won't happen due to the fact that we're passing down Nick's middle name, Snow, to our daughter.

Autumn Snow? A little too literal if you ask me.

But I digress.
I was a little concerned when we painted our family room blue that it would sort of be a color splash train wreck when I started decking the walls with fall and Christmas decorations but I'm actually finding it kind of fun.

There's something about that pop of blue that keeps everything so fresh and exciting when all the warm colors can make your head swirl and throw you into a curled up ball on the couch with your favorite snuggie and a mug of hot apple cider, falling into a cold weather coma before you can even say "...but wait I had dishes to do..."

I wouldn't really know though, seeing how I've never owned a snuggie, but it does seem to be pretty convenient when you want to hold that mug of cider but you don't want to bring your arms out from under the covers. Those geniuses.

Tonight, Nick and I will be spending out first night back in our own bedroom with the new furniture. We're sort of silly excited about the tufted comfort of the new pillow top mattress and the extra room we'll have moving from a queen to a king. Who would have thunk that darned 9 pound dog could some how take up more room in the bed than the two of us combined?

Then too early tomorrow morning I'll be up and off to stay in a hotel for work Thursday night. What a tease tonight will be.

With the new cooler weather, the Nickster and I will also be doing less sneaking around the thermostat before bed as well. Someone {me} always wants it cooler for sleeping while someone else {he} is always minding the electric bill. No more discussions of compromising degrees because that favorite season of mine makes this house a perfect degree of baby bear soup!

As if I needed another reason to love this time of year.

My favorite part of fall decorating is using the bags and bags of loose faux leaves I own. Call me tacky, but I LOVE sprinkling those babies over any and every surface they may stay put on.

It may not look like much, but I spent more time decorating this one little room than I care to say and when Nick saw it for the first time, he only had one thing to say:

"Looks like we need to break out the rake."

MEN. Gotta ♥ 'em.


  1. aw your fall decor is cute! i love the quote from your husband. sounds familiar :)

  2. Your mantle is absolutely beautiful! You did a great job!!!

  3. Looks like you were watching "Cougar Town" lastnight. I watched it as well....not sure what I think about it..kind of cheesey?? Enjoy reading your blog. My blog is so far behind...(since June)!! I am so slack! Hope you are doing well. -Tiffany

  4. May not look like much?!?!? I think it looks great- you have a lovely home and the leaves- not tacky! Excited to see the new bedroom furniture- hope you post pics soon!

  5. I love your decorations! I can't figure out what I love more: Fall, Christmas or decorating for the two!

  6. Um can you come to Kansas and help me decorate our new house? Please?

  7. Ah! Your house looks beautiful!
    I love the love that is so clear throughout your blog posts...we can all tell you are so in love with your husband, and it's so awesome that you are. The world needs more love in it. :D


  8. Your pumpkins are beautiful. Enjoyed looking at your blog!

  9. Your mantle and all of the pumpkins are gorgeous! It looks great with the blue, too. I am a HUGE fan of Glee. Love the music, love the dancing, have a teensy crush on Mr. Schuster.

    Cute blog title, too! I can't wait to look through some of your other posts!

  10. Stopping by from Kelly's ALL your decorations! SO cute!!

  11. WOW your mantle is stunning!! Your decorations are just gorgeous!

  12. Everything is just beautiful! It's definately some of the pretties decorations I've seen! I am totally in love with your table centerpiece! You did a fabulous job! Very inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing! -April

  13. beautiful mantle, thanks for sharing.

  14. Where did you get your decorations? I have been looking everywhere for something like that without looking tacky. They look beautiful and your home is so cozy decorated with all of your fall decor. I would really appreciate a tip as to how and where to find these. I really like the leaves and berries garland

  15. Hey Natalie - I couldn't find your webpage or your email - but absolutely everything is from Hobby Lobby!! Love that store ;)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)