Tuesday, August 04, 2009

MAN it feels good...

... to be a gangsta licensed pharmacist.

I'm off today, and since I have nothing to study for, I'm ready to do some much needed work on the house. I may be switching all the furniture between the guest bedroom and office - all by myself - we'll see. I think we've decided that the guest bedroom could use more space while the little used office really didn't need all the open floor room.

I bought this bedding for the guest bedroom:

Remember our messy office? It's day has finally arrived.

If I get the time and the sky stops storming here in gloomy Lexington, Kentucky, I hope to make it out and discover more thrift shops and the jewels that I know are waiting there for me. I have so many things on the list I'd love to find cheap and give a fun facelift.

But before I go...

Did you pay much attention to the first line of the post?

No, I'm not actually a gangsta.

But I am a...

I haven't received my test scores from the horrible, no good, very bad pharmacy law test yet, but I knew I would probably be able to call the board of pharmacy today to see if Stephanie Roberts was a licensed pharmacist, even before I got the news in the mail. It's public knowledge to anyone who calls, so why not?!

I was having nightmares about it this morning and couldn't really sleep, so at 9 am, before I had even stepped out of bed, I grabbed my cell and called!!!!! The man on the phone took forever. He put me on hold TWICE. I thought he was preparing himself for breaking the bad news to me. NOT THE CASE.

Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow! Without HIM I would be nothing and this wonderful moment and passing those horrible exams, would never have been possible. {It was definitely by the Grace of God that I passed the law...}

I am relieved, happy, and ready to move on with my L.I.F.E.

This is one girl who may be working hard on her house today, but it will be excitedly, with very loud yippity-skippity music playing, and lots of dancing in between.

LOTS of dancing.


  1. Love your bed. Beautiful! Enjoy our day off and congrats on being licensed sista! Dance it out!

  2. Congratulations!!

  3. WooHoooooooo!! Love you sis, but instead of buying fur niture, shouldn't you pay off a little of that outrageous school loan!?! LOL, enjoy a little recreational spending to celebrate!!


  5. Congratulations!!!! So exciting!

  6. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I love that bedding btw, where did you get it?

  7. haha, it does kind of look like my background! Guess I am consistent if nothing else :)

  8. WOOOO HOOOOO!!! congrats congrats and nowwww i have the song from Office Space stuck in my head! you are hysterical woman!

    And yeah, God is sooo good!

  9. congrats girly!! all your hard work paid off!
    loving the bedding choice.

  10. Lol, your first line cracked me up :) Congrats on being licensed...that is SO awesome! I love the bedding and can't wait to see pics of the rooms!

  11. CONGRATULATIONS!!! enjoy your day!! you DESERVE it :)

  12. ok mrs. pharmacist, I have questions for you. :) where is your bedding from? super cute!
    also, I love all the little personal touches you have added to your blog! clue a sister in on how to make her blog as pretty as yours;)

  13. CONGRATS!!! I love your blog and just recently started following :) I work in a pharmacy as a tech so I know how hard all the steps are. WAY TO GO!!!!!! And the bedding is super cute :)

  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am so stinkin' proud of you!

    And cuuuteee bedding! Where is that from?!?!

  15. Yeah for you! You're probably so relieved...love the new bedding too!

  16. Congratulations!!!! You sound so official:) Can't wait to see how you do with the home re-do projects.

  17. Congrats!! So much free time I am sure! Love the bedding.

  18. Congratulations!!!! What wonderful news, I hope you are celebrating, you deserve it!!!

  19. CONGRATULATIONS GANGSTA!!! err, Pharmacist!! LOL!! :D wooohooo!

  20. Congratulations! I can totally relate to the excitement associated with passing boards-- only mine were nursing boards. You should be so proud!

    I looooooove that guest bedroom bedding. I would have a hard time putting it in the guest bedroom, ha

  21. That is so great! Congratulations!!!! PS - The bedding is precious!

  22. Congratulations! That is such an awesome accomplishment! I too love the bedding, it's very warm and inviting!

  23. Oh, I remember that feeling! What an awesome day!! I am so happy for you! NO MORE STRESSING ABOUT TESTS!! Celebrate girl....you deserve it! :=)

  24. Do you ever update this site? I'm going to have to quit following this site if the same post is always at the top of the blog. Get with it girl!

  25. Sorry to dissapoint, but I do have a lot going on right now as well as being out of town, enjoying family and being computerless. Not to mention that if I have nothing to report, nothing is reported. I love to have new friends and readers but this blog was started solely for me and mine and all of our memories. If I bore you, there's only about a million wonderful blogs out there
    much more entertaining than mine and you won't hurt my feelings if you feel the need to move on ;)

  26. Love the bedding too. Congratulations on passing your boards! I am new to your blog and really enjoy it!

  27. Congrats!! My SIL just received her pharmacy license too, her first day of work was Monday. Y'all worked hard, I know, and it is nice to reap the rewards of all those hours spent studying! I love the bedding, looks so inviting!

  28. I am a pharmaceutical rep and get to call on lovely pharmacists like yourself! CONGRATS -- that is a huge accomplishment!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)