Monday, August 10, 2009

Home is where the heart is

After a crazy first week of being a pharmacist and lots of long hours, Nick and I packed up and headed east to see our families. We drove the 2 hours to my parents house and ended up there about 11:30 on Friday night, but we only made the late trip after I made my mom promise a big breakfast on Saturday morning...

Saturday morning came and we loaded down our bellies with lots of good home cooked breakfast foods before visiting my sister's in-laws to see the new baby. My brother-in-law (and sister too) are now the proud parents of a custom ordered 2010 Camaro. It is, most definitely, David's pride and joy that he has been waiting to receive since ordering it last year and being promised it would arrive this JANUARY. Was he excited? To say the least... it is gorgeous! I only wish I had a picture of the gorgeous inferno orange and black interior.

When we all had our turn of high speed trips down windy country roads to be jealous of his new toy, we made our way to the lake to have fun with David's other toys, the boat and jet ski.

My dad, trying on Nick's hat to shield his head from the killer rays.

I took lots of pictures, but knowing the way I would feel to see my bikini clad body on the wide world web, I am going to respect the wishes of my family and only put a couple of the safe ones on the blog...

David, tubing.

We had an absolute blast with beautiful weather and an almost empty lake. I am STILL so sore from holding on to the intertube - it was a wild ride! I couldn't care less if I was knocking Nick off the tube, I was doing my best to hold on for dear life ;)

On Sunday, we got to visit not only the Church of Christ my parents attend where I grew up in Prestonsburg {and where we got married}, but we also got to stop by for Sunday evening service to see our church family in Pikeville at the Church of Christ on Main Street where we attended before and after our first year of marriage. The Pikeville church even had a baseball game after services at the Y, so we got to go and catch up with everyone even more after services! WE MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH :(

We are so thankful that our parents' live only 20 minutes apart. Sunday night we spent the night at Nick's parents' house and got to hang out with Karen some more today before leaving. Nick's dad is on a job up north and wasn't home for our visit - We missed you, Bob! The weekend went by waaaay too fast, but I keep thinking how it truly felt like we were on vacation... our moms cooking all the food, no house cleaning or chores to do, and lots of fun with our favorite loved ones.

Now I've got to get back to icing my cupcakes - how else would I bribe the people at work to like the new pharmacist??


  1. Yay for being done with your first week!! I start tomorrow {insert insane nervousness here}, and I may borrow your cupcake bribe idea this weekend!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend!!

  2. That car is gorgeous! Thanks again for the Sephora gift card, I just put in my order and can't wait for it to get here~

  3. We enjoyed having you all this weekend and the great day at the lake that Melissa and Dave provided. God is good!!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend, nothing beats mom's cooking. It is also one of my favorite things about going home. I love the car!!!

  5. Love the car! Looks like you guys had a fun trip!

  6. My favorite car! It's beautiful and I am entirely jealous!

  7. It's bumble bee's brother! that car is gorgeous! I'm glad you had a great time at home! there really is nothing better :)

  8. FYI - something BIG is happening at Sunshinemeg tomorrow!

  9. HI, I gradutated with Nick and I was looking at you blog and saw you were from Prestonsburg, my parents own Hobert's Pizzaria there and my husband and I stop there every weekend to eat, once on the way down and then on the way back home, when we take the kids to see my parents.

  10. Just found your blog and love another Church of Christ girl :) Looking forward to reading more.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)