Sunday, July 19, 2009

You're still the one =)

One year ago today, these two crazy kids walked out of the chapel and into the first day of their happily ever after.

We've been celebrating our first anniversary all day today.

Off to church this morning, onto a niiiiice lunch at Guiseppe's after, then home for dessert... the top tier of our wedding cake! Believe it or not, it was still DEEeeEEe-licious.

We also watched our wedding video for the first time today
. We laughed the entire way through. To tell you the truth I've giggled the entire day today.

How ironic that this week would be so similar to the same calendar week last year
. Both extremely stressful, one with wedding planning, one with studying for the boards. Then both weeks ended with a day so full of smiling my cheeks hurt! {They are currently cramping as I type... it's a happy kind of pain.}

I'm going to be doing a little more blogging about the wedding details in the next week, but for now, it's back to celebrating with the hubs!

{If you're interested in seeing the slideshows of our fabulous wedding
photos, click here, here, here, and here!}

And to my husband:
Thank you for the best first year of marriage I could have ever hoped for, sweet stuff!


  1. Congratulations!! You are quite possibly one of the most gorgeous brides I have ever seen!

  2. happy anniversary!! I just looked at your wedding slideshows and the pictures are beautiful!! have a wonderful day!

  3. Congrats on your first year!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I absolutely LOVE your dress, it's stunning on you! :)

  5. I'm a new reader and am happy my first comment can be, "Happy Anniversary!"

  6. Congrats!! What gorgeous pictures!

  7. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a very fun day :)

  8. Happy Anniversary!! It looks like you two are very happy together!!

  9. Congrats! You were such a beautiful bride!!!!

  10. Congratulations on your one YEAR!! Hope you both enjoyed your day!

  11. Congratulations on your first year anniversary! How exciting. :) I am glad the two of you are enjoying your day! You deserve it. :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)