Thursday, July 23, 2009

The waiting game... over!

After this wonderful news was received in the mail, I went on with my list of errands to run around town, this being my day off and thus my day to get some things done. But after the work was done... I SPLURGED in celebration.

{Did I mention I finally got to watch the movie Shopaholic the other night? It has really encouraged a certain habit.}

I do have to say that when I say "splurge", I mean that I actually bought something, something that was on sale and a grrrrrrrrrrreat deal.

So splurge = purchase in my book. Not a big price tag.

Glad we've got that straightened out.

I love my new little pretties from TJ Maxx you see above. The candle holder is shown with a few candles I had around to test the look out... and with one spot candle-less. I also have BIG plans for the lantern.... it doesn't show in the photo, but it's huge! I could do different scenes for every season inside. FUN, fun.

In other news...

Wanna see what
a year old wedding cake looks like?

Of course we had to drink our milk out of our engraved champagne flutes we used at the wedding =)

Coming tomorrow....

My biggest splurge of the day - a new coffee table!!!!

"New" to me, but 50 years old to someone else. It's vintage and absolutely perfect for my family room.

I don't know if I'm more excited about the table or my passing score...?


  1. Congratulations on passing your test!! That's awesome news.... Really enjoying your blog.

  2. Congratulations, how exciting! Love the new purchases, they are lovely.

  3. You guys are so cute! By the way, Hello. Just came across your blog.I think its really different and unique. I like it a lot. Feel free to come check out mine if you like.

  4. YAY! congrats on passing the test!!

  5. Congrats on passing the test! I know you are so excited and relieved to finally know for sure!

    Can't wait to see the coffee table, I'm searching...

  6. CONGRATS on passing your test! I love reading your blog! I enjoy finding bargains at stores and decorating! Wish I had more time to do it.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)