Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I feel like I could have really used this the past week:

Kleenex's stock has definitely had to go up with the amount of tissues I've used since last Saturday! Sorry there's been no news for a while, but I think the most I could have come up with would have went something like this:

"Well, I've just blown my nose for the 623,498,283 time, popped my 145th allergy pill, sprayed the 5,927th spray of chloraseptic spray on my throat and ate my 10th bowl of oreo ice cream..."

Oh, you guys didn't know the Oreo ice cream is a real medical treatment for a case of the sick sore throat blues? Believe me, the hopefully, soon to be licensed Doctor of Pharmacy, it is!

SO this week's recap, I've been sick, I worked anyway, I tried to study anyway, and didn't accumulate many sleep hours due to not breathing properly through my nose.

The week was a wreck and I'm going to throw it away in the most distant corner of my mind and start anew today. I am about 92% better at this point. Thank goodness, because we're having a few friends over to our house tonight for a 4th of July cook-out and I needed to pull my act together!

Happy 4th to everyone! I'll get the pictures up tomorrow of our good time to come tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!! I hope things start going better soon and that you feel better quickly!!!

    Haha that first pic made me laugh!! I love it!

    And cookies n cream is my FAVE ice cream dish. Second to mint choc chip of course. :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)