Thursday, June 25, 2009

The master

Welcome to our private quarters...

Lemme just say, I love our room! The bedding {from Wal-mart!}, the lamps, the chair, our furniture. Believe me, I'm thankful, lucky, and extremely blessed.

Now that you know I appreciate it all, can we get onto the things I'd like to alter/add to the room without judgment? Thanks.

I'll just go ahead and pass on the side of guilt I usually feel about still wanting things when I know I have everything I'll ever need. Phew.

The ceiling is a little tall and though you can't see it so much here, that space above seems so empty... It's just crying out for something. I'm entertaining the idea of hanging a couple of the white lanterns from our wedding reception, or possibly, a BIRDCAGE.

Because I loooooove a good birdcage.

I know it sounds crazy, but you can't see the space where I'm talking about hanging these things in the pictures. Trust me, it be cool, dude.


Hendrix may have this crate in our bedroom, but rarely does he ever sleep in it. You can see the king in his usual spot in the above. =) He doesn't care in the least to be put in the crate, but his momma {and daddy too!} miss all the cuddles when he's in there. And let's be real, who doesn't love to wake up to a million wet puppy kisses on your face to tell you the sun is out and someone wants to be walked?!

A look at the wall beside the bathroom door. You can catch the master bathroom back in this post or on the sidebar to the right of the page where I've put the rest of our house's links. {Check us out, y'all!}

The television needs a credenza below it to hold the cable box, some pretty little things and to hide all those ugly wires. We've been looking like crazy to find one we like. No such luck yet.

We've already bought the curtain rods, just haven't got in any hurry to put them up since we haven't picked out the curtains yet. {I may actually make them myself. Be sure if I do, they'll probably be a crazy post to come about THAT day.} Do these rods not look perfect with the bedding motif ?????????? Love 'em!

Still gathering curtain ideas. I likey:

The mirror's frame above my dresser, {Nick's dresser lives in the closet}, has a date with some very pretty paint in the near future.

Finally, the most important space in our room, the master closet.

Our closet space is fabulous. Not beautifully organized, nothing to wow you, but it is some great space. I a-l-w-a-y-s need my space. I'd love to paint it some crazy wall color that I would never choose for a real room. Black, perhaps. Also add some more jewelry organization and some closet art.

We'll get around to all that one day, when there's no
thing else to do but paint closet walls for the heck of it ;)

Now get outta our room! How nosey of you people...

Just yankin' your leg, guys.


  1. hahaha love the last line! reminds me of mtv cribs when they'd kick you out!!

    OH my! LOVE LOVE LOVE the black and white!!! i'd so move in in a heartbeat! fabulous room for a fabulous girl!

  2. Very pretty! I am SO JEALOUS of your closet space. :) Mike and I each have our own closet, and mine is not in the bedroom! :(

  3. I love your room and I love love love that bedding!!!!!!!
    Love your closet space too!!

  4. Very cute! Your bedding reminds me so much of our guest room bedding (that is from Target!). My sister used to live in a home with a huge, two story living room. It was nice, but it was the main living area and the space made it feel cold. So they added moulding around normal ceiling height (8-9 ft I think) and painted the room a shade lighter from the moulding up. It really made the main space of the room feel warm and it added interest to the upper part of the room. Just a thought...

  5. Oh and I meant to tell you, we have a paintable cord hider thing (which I have yet to paint, I might add...) that we bought at Lowes or Home Depot. It just sticks to the wall, and you cut it to size. Once painted, they just blend right in!

    You can see what I mean under my Monday's post (I was excited about this Show Us Where You Live and got it done early!).

  6. I love your MB!!! So pretty, your bedding is gorgeous!! I like the curtains that you have chosen!! you do such a great job!

  7. Beautiful room! We have the same bedding! I guess it is pretty popular!

  8. I LOVE that bedding! It would go great with my black furniture we have in ours! Thanks for sharing :) Amber

  9. Love your photo wall and your closet is huge!

  10. Love the Damask bedspread.
    Nice room!


  11. Your room is great! Love the bedding and the floors and that closet is AWESOME!!!

  12. I love your room. The closet is awesome. Consider me outta here...haha.

  13. Okay, what a super cute blog--love it! And such a cute room. Your header picture is adorable, by the way!

  14. all of it looks great! the bedding is beautiful! great job!!!

  15. Love that black and white! Beautiful!

    And um... that is one huge closet!:)

  16. I am so jealous of your closet . . . wow! I love your bedding, too!

  17. We ran our cables in the wall! It was a little tricky (and I came home to a small hole in the wall, but it is hidden by the TV) It looks great though! No cables!

  18. Love your space!! Love love love that bedding! DH would never 'let' me do that...hmmm... :)

  19. I love the bedding - can't belive it's from Wal Mart! Your room is lovely!

  20. i love the curtain rods.. and i'm jealous of your closet space!

  21. Love your bedding (and from wal-mart?)!!!!! Your adorable dog just adds to the beauty! :)

  22. Beautiful room! I love the bedding!

  23. Love the colors and style of your room. I like the name of your blog too. I have brown eyes and my husband has blue eyes, so you name fits us too.

  24. I love your room! I can't believe you got your bedding at wal-mart. We have a tv mounted on the wall as well-I used a 1/2 price cord cover from hobby lobby to cover the ugly. you can check it out on my master bedroom post!

  25. As you can see on my post, I too have those wires under my bedroom tv!! I saw one of your comments had a suggestion for a cord hider... I am going to look into that option. Thanks for sharing your space!

  26. Lovely room, and WOW, what a closet!!!

  27. I have just recently found your blog and enjoy reading about you, your husband and Hendrix.

    I would love to know where you got the fuzzy rug though in your bathroom?

  28. Where are the updates? It has been a week with no news! I am sure you are a busy girl but some of us want to know what is going on. Don't make me boycott this blog!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Just found your blog and LOVE it! Your room is gorgeous! I love the bedspread and the color scheme of black and creme! Gorgeous :) XOXO

  31. Found this on Kelly's blog. I saw the same comforter in another room and I love it! Your closet it AWESOME! I share in the same feeling of guilt when talking about "things" that I WANT and don't NEED, but it is obvious that you have a very thankful spirit! That's what counts. Have a good day!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)