Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Roberts' Social Club

This Friday's home tours is all about the player's choice. We could give tours of our laundry room, playroom, or bonus room. How about all 3? Or how about an entire floor of our house devoted to the three. It's almost like our bonus FLOOR! {Except it's just a basement, but we do love it!}

We've got about a hundred pics to get through, so I'm going to cut to the chase.

To enter our walk-out basement, you've gotta first walk down the stairs from the kitchen. Here you'll see our engagement picture with the matte that our guests signed at our wedding. I cherish this little memento from that day.

As you turn the corning on the landing you'll find a little quirky painting I did specifically for this wall right after we bought the house because I was just so darned excited about it. The saying at the bottom states "Everyone who enters this place makes us happy; some when they enter, some when they leave."

At least I found it amusing!

From the landing you can see the guest bedroom door to the right, the movie/pool room is straight ahead, and the baseball nook/gym is to the left. This will all make the rest of the photos make more sense just ahead...

The basement's guest bedroom is the largest of our 3 guest rooms. It also has a nice walk-in closet that extends under the stairs that I have PACKED full with Christmas decorations. This bedroom doesn't have a window, which can make it a little less "homey", but a dream to anyone who wants to sleep-in late and adores a pitch black room!

{I loath the border. It will be coming down OH so soon, yet not soon
enough for me...}

This room is a bit hodge-podged right now, mostly with a bunch of girly stuff from my pre-Nick days. You know I HAD to have my FRIENDS art!

This little nook you see before entering the gym is going to be plastered with Nick's baseball memorabilia. We had no idea what to do with this little space at first, but with all the baseball stuff he has, and how much I would love to keep it from the rest of the house, this idea is perfect for us.

Our gym, which has yet to be used, but will hopefully become a well visited place soon.
The sellers left this workbench in the gym, which is an awesome piece, but takes up a ton of space and is much better suited for the garage. Another plan for the future...

They also left this fridge in the basement in the deal. So convenient. How did we make it without the second fridge before????

The projector screen is tough to see with all the lights on and my camera flash going off, but it's grrrrrrrrrrreat for movies, also great for the Xbox, Wii Fit, RockBand... so the movie room doubles as the game room. You can see my hubby sitting in the floor playing NBA basketball below...

This wall is going to be filled with our favorite movie posters like a real theater...

I love this piece... it's about movies but great for the game side of this room. 100 famous movie lines with the answers at the bottom. Good times.

The windows help the basement feel much less dark-dank-basement like. It's very quaint! Once we get it organized this little corner might have a day bed to make a nice comfy reading spot {you can see the trees, creek, and wildlife right outside this window} and shelves for board games and such.


Our gorgeous laundry room. *sarcasm* That's the folded up ping-pong table to the left, ready to be pulled out whenever an impromptu game may arise.

The pull down ironing board is a great plus; so handy in a wrinkle emergency.

This wall between the pool table and movie room also has big plans in its future... hopefully we'll acquire a gas/electric fireplace and go from there.

The pool room has already made its debut on here before, for more pics, check out this post.

Thanks for painting our custom pool table stool for us, Karen!

Looking from the pool room to the projector screen.

And for a few close-ups of our pool room art...

Van Gogh loved playing pool too ;)

Nothing like the Rat Pack to keep the place classy:
Did I mention I was married to a pretty great poker player?

It may be hard to imagine, but I did actually leave out a few pics. Since I showed the basement bath on the last Friday home tour, I figured we could do without it here. If you missed it, you can go back here.

As always, I love that
you all stopped by! Many blessings on your own lovely homes!


  1. I love these rooms, they are so big!! I can't wait to see what you do for the first room! I know it will be gorgeous! I really like that projection screen! Fun rooms!

  2. I love it all - You did a great job - make sure to post pictures of the 1st room when it is done - Blessings!

  3. So much space!! Wow! Your Friends art is awesome!

  4. What a great basement! Looks like a place for lots of fun. Thanks for taking us on a tour! :-)

  5. Love the Friends Painting. May I ask where you got it from?

  6. I love all the ROOM that you have in your basement! How wonderful for entertaining and just enjoying! Amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Your bonus floor is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing it so thoroughly...loved the tour!

  8. WOW...your basement is definitely awesome. I bet that makes for some fun times! This is the first time I have visited your blog and I also wanted to say that your wedding picture you have as your header is adorable! Love it!

  9. LOVE usual! What a great space downstairs!!

  10. i love the size of all the rooms!

  11. The sign you painted is so great - I love it!!

    My husband cannot wait until the day we buy a bigger house with space for a pool/poker/movie room. :)

  12. Nice bonus floor! Thanks for the tour :)

  13. Wow! I love how much space you have. Quite impressive. :) I really love your pool room.

  14. LOL girl you are cracking me up! I looked at that picture of your guest room and thought, awww, how sweet... a picture of her family right over her bed!
    and then the next picture I see MONICA and CHANDLER! LOL I love it. Awesome house!!!!!

  15. what great spaces!! i am totally jealous!!

    see my home:


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)