Thursday, May 07, 2009

Show and Tell

Kelly over at Kelly's Korner is hosting another "Show Us Where You Live Friday". It's so fun! I've never participated but I loooooove seeing what other people have done with their space and stealing their ideas.

Today, it's all about living rooms. If you're old school like me, you may think of the "living room" as the place where most people keep a couple couches and cute little tables, set it up like a conversation area and then once in a blue moon, someone may actually use it. The "family room", to me, is where everyone gets together and where the most important detail, the television, lives. I was so excited the day my parents knocked down the wall between those two rooms and got rid of the useless and made the useful a muchmuchmuch bigger room. It just made sense.

When the hubs and I went house shopping, I was completely turned off by houses that had a "living room". I would try to think of other waysI could possibly use the room because I wasn't about to be buying furniture to fill the s-p-a-c-e. Thankfully, the house we chose has a large family room and none of the other.

all of that to say... I'm going to show my family room, not a living room. And I'm sure a lot of people out there call what I'm going to show you, the living room. Which is just fine. Just clarifying here.


If you've been following us, you saw the pictures after my mother-in-law
and I spent days painting the family room back in this post. (There's more pictures of the yet to be finished family room there also, FYI, we're still moving into this house...) If not, here's one to bring you up to date.

The wall is still empty. Which is eating me up on the inside. I haven't made it around to painting the blank canvases yet but I did seriously consider getting this painting on Monday when my mom offered to buy it as a house warming gift ->

I love the colors and the idea of incorporating horse racing into our new Old Kentucky Home, but I just wasn't convinced. I'll have to hash it over a bit more.

Just as I am still thinking about getting these super large and
extremely comfy pillows for the sectional. Can you spy with your little eye the pillow model, my mother, peeking through the two?
My MIL also found these candle holders at a yard-sale for $4! I painted them and still want to do a bit more in the faux finish department, but the structure is awesome!

I FINALLY found the perfect round mirror for above the mantel... just need my husband to get here and perform his husbandly duties, which includes hanging all wall decor =) {You'll see the mirror leaning against the fireplace on the floor, perhaps you can imagine it in it's correct place.}

A couple pics of the entryway.... this is the front door to the house. You walk into the family room from here.

The new shelves are painted and up as well! Now if I could figure out just what looked best on them AND the mantle. Details, details...

Our work in progress... hope you enjoyed!


  1. Oh my gosh! I am in LOVE with your couch!!!

    Count wait to see more if this is just a work in progress... ;)

  2. I love that paint color and those HUGE pillows!

  3. Love your house and you are So pretty!!!

  4. Wow I really like your living room! Especially the wall color. I've noticed that so many people's living rooms are so dark and a little gloomy feeling with all the leather and dark wood. I just LOVE yours ;)

  5. First off, you are so pretty!!! I love your LR and the colors that you have! SO fresh and clean!! Love your blog!

  6. I love, love, love the blue walls.

    Thanks for the peek !!

  7. I love the color on the wall, and the couch is to die for. I think the pillows would look great in there. Debbie

  8. I'm in love with your rug! LOVE YOUR BLUE! What a beautiful couple you all make!

  9. Love your colors. great fireplace.

  10. So pretty! Love the blue walls and white woodwork/fireplace!

  11. What a neat room and my favorite color! You are a beautiful the title of your blog. Connie

  12. love the big candle holders!

  13. I LOVE your style! Will you please tell me where you got your rug? I need it for my house! And you, by the way, are gorgeous! :)

    Amy B.

  14. wow it is coming along so fast!! I know it might not feel like it to you, but we have lived in our house 18 months still and it there are whole rooms we haven't touched! it looks great. you've got an eye for design, girl!
    where is the pretty mirror for your fireplace from? it is nice and big!

  15. I adore your style! :-) you have great taste! and your blog header is really cute - what an attractive couple you are!

  16. Love your white sofa and your colors....exactly what I am about to do! I also completely agree with you on the 2 living rooms! Our old house had a formal living and family room and it was totally a waste of space and furniture! When we bought our current home we insisted on just one nice family room and that is what we have too! Love your room and your blog!


  17. Your colors are gorgeous and I love the area rug!

  18. Would you mind sharing the brand and paint color information? I love it!!


    1. Jill, I am also looking for her paint color. My drywall is being put up as i speak. Did you find out the company and color of the blue paint?

  19. First thing, I absolutely love the photo on your blog with both your parents on your wedding day!! You are an adorable couple!
    Secondly, love the LR, the paint color is gorgeous! The couch is awesome--looks really comfortable! Thank you for sharing. =)

  20. What a beautiful & comfy room! I think those pillows would be great! You aer on your way to an amazing room, great taste!

  21. where do you shop?
    i love your couch, ottoman, color scheme, and table in the entryway. awesome family room!

  22. Stephanie, you're my kind of gal to wait until you find what you want. The room is lovely- have fun finishing it off!

  23. how cute are you two? my goodness. good luck with the new home, it looks like it's coming along really well.

  24. I just love your whole house and your style!! I love the lamps on the table!

  25. First of all, that is the sweetest wedding picture of you two with your parents! I've never seen that poise done before but it says alot about family!!

    By the way, you are so pretty and you look just like your mom and your hubby looks like his mom.

    Oh, I forgot why I was commenting!! har Your couch and the color of your room is just lovely! Great job and very stylish!

    Kelly's Mom

  26. i'm a total stranger, but i was hoping you would let me know where you got that couch. i adore. ADORE. and the wall color is absolutely perfect. congrats. becky

  27. Perfection! Love that color on the walls. What is that?

  28. Love your home - especially the shade of blue in your family room.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Hi from N Ireland.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)