Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Roberts' love nest

We're back... and this time, we're home owners! I can finally write about the house and post pictures without the fear that something might fall through! We can finally move all those packed up boxes and furniture into the house! I can finally move out of that tiny apartment and move in with my parents for the next month... HUH?!

Well, we've moved out of the apartment and are in the process of getting moved into the house this very week, but there's still the small matter of finishing up my last rotation in Prestonsburg. Thankfully, my parents still accept me as their overgrown live in daughter and will house me (and Nick) while I'm working at Food City, only 2 miles from their house. {My mom also lets me commandeer her laptop, browse the net, upload all of these pics and blog my time away.}

Nick will probably spend most days at his parents as well while he still has a couple of months left at his job in Pikeville. We will, of course, "visit" each other and stay at the in-laws so we won't revert completely back into our pre-nuptial selves. Though even in our pre-nuptial days, we didn't live with our parents, so maybe I would call it our pre-college days?

And then there's the joint custody of the dog that we've yet to work out.
A few house stats for you to get a better understanding of the layout: 1 story on a full walk-out basement, 3200 square feet, 4 bedrooms (3 upstairs, 1 downstairs), 3 full baths (2 up, 1 down). Also in basement: the "gym" room for the eliptical, treadmill, and weightlifting thingy and a rather large utility room... lots of storage room.

So without further adieu, pictures of our new house. Don't mind all the junk, it will all soon find a permanent home - a place for everything and everything in it's place. A motto, that when followed, helps keep my sanity intact.

Melissa, David, and Nick checking out the deck on closing day. We really appreciated their help on Monday!

I love our kitchen and granite countertops. The stove, however, I hope to say good-bye to in the next couple of years. Helllllllloooooo stainless steel.

The dining room.

The family room. That door leads out to the deck. I hope to paint this room SOON. Not that it's bad - just ready to make it ours. Consider all of these pictures as the "before" pics. As in, "before" the deck was stained/sealed, "before" the ugly stove went away, "before" the family room became a beautiful shade of blue and the trim became white.

Master bedroom with master bath photos following.

All basement pictures following. Here you can see the stairs and a view into our new gym.

Nick has an awesome screen and projector that will cover this wall and become the "movie room" with lots of comfy couches.

Company are welcomed and encouraged!

I'm so glad my sister owns a rug doctor. It brought up lots of icky cat hair from the carpet.

Full bath in the basement.

Our new pool table!

I love the sweet little babbling brook behind our house. Nick and I like to debate whether it is a stream/brook -or- what he calls a creek. Either way, the sellers told us that in a couple weeks, lots of ducks and their little ducklings will start coming to our yard and even up to the basement doors to be fed yummy cracked corn that we need to stock up on. I love that we're inheriting new pets. I hope Hendrix doesn't eat them.

I looked up the definition of a creek: "A stream of water smaller than a river and larger than a brook."

Should we look up the definition of vague?

Last but not least, the proud home owners. The one on the right with the longer hair needed a picture to remember what our goofy faces looked like on the day we closed. Too bad she didn't think about it till they had run themselves ragged cleaning, unpacking a few boxes and changing locks. We were still ecstatic even if we weren't looking/smelling our best.

Come on over, ya'll!


  1. WOW !!! you kids did great picking out your love nest. my only worry is that you won't be able to find each other without walkie talkies or an intercom. i love the "flowing water" in the back and the bridge, the gorgeous floors, etc.etc.etc. might i add that jim and i were once "masters" of the pool table. hopefully one day we can win a couple beers off you in a game. we are so very happy for you both and your new home is as beautiful as you both together are. congratulations and "let the memories begin". love yhou both.....aunt sue & uncle jim

  2. OMG!!! Love the house! It looks awesome and Chad and I are so excited for you both! Can't wait to visit in May when we come home! Love You Guys!

  3. Love the house Stephanie! When you said come over did you mean all of us??? =)

  4. Ya'll are a super cute couple with a precious new home! I've had a lot of fun reading your stories!

    happy blogging!

  5. Love the deck and the shower is different but cool. Congrats

  6. It is indeed important for the newlyweds to have their own love nest for us to have privacy and for us to be wise in making decisions in side your own home. And besides, living with your parents can really be annoying sometimes. I'm also newlywed with my hubby and just recently, we went to Grand Lake. Homes for sale are the ones that the people are looking forward to because in Grand Lake, Oklahoma, homes for sale are in great quality and they really looked beautiful as well.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)