Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy 4 Years!

This post is really for my one and only love, my dearest husband. It may seem silly to celebrate another anniversary besides our wedding anniversary.... but if we hadn't got together for the first time back on March 21st, 2005, would we have even got to have a wedding anniversary?


I wish I could have been with you today to celebrate year 4. You KNOW how much I love my lucky number 4... but sadly, it wasn't in the stars for us today. {Correct me if I'm wrong - but were we not even further apart on our one year anniversary? You in Florida and me in Vegas? I can't remember, but if so... at least we're MUCH closer than that particular year...}

I believe this past year has most definitely been the most exciting yet, and while I can't be sure, I suspect year 5 is going to top it! I'm not sure if my heart can take it much longer if each year continues to top the last, but bring it on!

You are my rock, my best friend, my mirror image and yet my polar opposite. You keep me on my toes and always keep it interesting. Your sweet disposition and drop dead gorgeous looks keep me going when I'm feeling I have nothing left to give. Thank you for your loving presence in my life.

Much love,

P.S. - Check the top drawer of my dresser for your card and gift! {I didn't want to get too mooshy on here... the rest is in the card!} I hope you are having a beautiful day and can't wait to celebrate with you when I get back, perhaps by buying a house on Monday or something along those lines ;)

Happy 4 year anniversary, my love!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)