Thursday, February 26, 2009

my day

... told through google images.

It started the way most days do - I woke up. Praise God!

But since I always snooze the alarm, I didn't get that much time to shuffle around groggily while attempting to get to a higher level of awake-ness. Rushing is yucky.
And I can't wear scrubs to this rotation. What a lame rule. That means I actually have to think about what I'm wearing and attempt to look decent. Waste of energy.But I didn't try too hard. It is just K-mart. I also went to bed with wet hair last night. No amount of energy can fix that mess.

This place is b-u-s-y. Non-stop pill counting. My neck is stiff from staring down at the counter. I don't like it. I'm rethinking the last few years of pharmacy school, my million dollar investment in it, and my thrilling future. (Just a bit of sarcasm after a crappy day...)

On my short 30 minute lunch break, I have to rush home to let the poor little dog out for a walk and play with him a bit before putting the sweetie back into the bathroom. I feel sorry for him. I also hate that I don't get a real break, or get to sit down for a few minutes outside of work, or eat anything good since I grab a snack on the way out the door and have to eat "lunch" in the car on the way back to work. Poor puppy. Poor empty tummy.

The customers are usually, very friendly. Seriously, they talk your head off when you actually need to get back to filling their prescription but they're just sooooo nice you can't pry yourself away. Not today. Today, we got some lip from some girl who said we were treating her like a drug addict (we weren't)... but the pharmacist's response was quick, witty and professional. She slinked away after being put in her place.

Then some poor sick kid up-chucked in front of the pharmacy. Several times. His dad sat next to him on his cell-phone, looking completely unfazed. They were sitting there for at least 5 minutes. Perhaps his dad could have asked for a bag after the first puking incident. Or take the kid to the bathroom. Or let anyone know it was in the floor to keep them from walking THROUGH IT or making contact with an employee to make sure it got cleaned up. Perhaps, but no. I found a wet floor sign to set by the puddles so ANOTHER person wouldn't track through it and found someone to clean it up. Because it was my kid and all. Also, I get payed to do this. A whole zero dollars a hour.

I finally got home to my husband and puppy.

My husband knew just what I needed.

10 seconds later, Me + Couch =

My husband said we needed to celebrate for some reason that I can't even remember. I heard "Chinese food" and was excited enough to put shoes back on my painful feet.

After consuming lots of fried yummy happy food, I started feeling better about my day. I had two fortunes inside my fortune cookie. One said I would get new clothes soon. YAY! The other said I have a deep appreciation for the arts and music. WHY YES I DO!

But not so fast happy feelings! Nick tried to let me down gently, but there's no way to break it to me nicely that my very favorite TV shows, whose very thought pulled me through the day, are going to be reruns tonight.
Nick had to restrain me after I got the news...

Looks like I've got a big evening ahead of me.

I can't wait to start a fresh new day tomorrow. TGIF.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's a couples thAng

Again - I was tagged on Facebook to answer these questions but decided I love blogger just a little bit more! The following is a little survey for married couples, sprinkled with a few photo memories.

One of our first pictures together. I may be looking a little bratty, but in the REAL first picture we took together, Nick made a mean face and this was my pay-back. Nick just told me I couldn't post the other one, it's too horrible. Now he gets to look like the sweet one.

What are your middle names?
~Nicholas Snow and Stephanie Michelle

How long have you been together?
~Coming up on 4 years, March 21st, 2009!

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
~A couple years of vaguely knowing each other before dating. It's still weird that he knew almost my entire dad's side of the family for years before meeting me... my aunt taught him in high school, he was friends with many of my cousins, even bought and sold baseball cards from my grandpa in my aunt's baseball card shop. I think the planets were just trying to allign perfectly before we were introduced and fate began to run its course.

This may not be a picture together, but it does have a memory. This is me, in the Animal Kingdom of Disney World. I distinctly remember spending every extra second of this trip talking to Nick on the phone - my sister was extremely annoyed with this and would not leave me alone. Something about "She'll probably be dating someone else in the next month and will never get this time back with her family."
Guess we showed her.

Who asked who out?
~Nick asked me out, both times. We've had 2 first dates, one at 18 when we briefly flirted, the second at 21. No need for a third, second time was the charm.
How old were each of you when you met?
~The ripe old age of 18.

How old are each of you now?
~ The even older age of 25.

How tall are each of you?
~Moi, 5'9". Nicholas tells me he's just shy of 6 feet. {Boys hate to say 5'11".}

Whose siblings do you see the most?
~Definately mine now that Nick's bro lives in Michigan. We'll be moving closer to my sister and
bub-in-law in the next couple of months. Hopefully Chad&Lauren will be moving back closer to us when they're both finished with school in a couple of years.

Do you have any children together?

What about pets?
~ YES, that furry son of ours, Hendrix.

Did you go to the same school?
~Not until freshman year of college at Georgetown.

Are you from the same hometown?
~Close, but no. We lived about 20 minutes apart the majority of our lives. I'm sure we had to have crossed paths sometime in those 15 years.

Our 6 month anniversary, a romantic date at a Reds' baseball game.
Who is the smartest?
~We are fanatastic complements to each other's special fields of intellect. He's the math, economics, psychology, finance, fix-it half of this duo. I'm the english, science, artsy-fartsy half. Together, we would make one great brain! By the time we're 90, we should be pretty well rounded.

Who is the most sensitive?

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
~Chipotle. Close second: Dairy Queen for our Blizzard habit.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Who has the worst temper?

Who does the cooking?
~We both go through phases of it, though there's not a whole lot of cooking going on around here.

Who hogs the bed?

Who wakes up earlier?
~The Nickster

Who has the bigger family?
~That would be me. There must be magic fertility dust floating around my mom's side...

How do you spend the holidays?
~With our parents only 20 minutes apart, we can, thankfully, split time between them as equally as possible.

Do you have little pet names for each other?
~OH YEAH. We've had close to a hundred over the years. They kind of change with the season. I tried to write them down as we came up with new ones so we wouldn't forget them, but I forget where that list is.... Cuddle-bug has really stuck though.

Who eats more?
~NICK! There's a never-ending stomach in there somewhere, he claims he's never felt full(!)

Who’s older?
~Nick, by a whole month.

Who does the dishes?
~Nick. I hate touching old food. The trade-off: I do all the laundry. I'd rather him not have the chance to screw up my clothes anyway. All works out perfectly.

Our first trip together back in 2005. We'd been dating about 5 months. This was in Baltimore where we went with Chad, Lauren, and Nick's parents.

Who snores? ~Him, of course. He wants to go to the ear-nose-throat doctor soon and I agree - the man does NOT breathe well! (Not that I don't snore from time to time.)

Who eats more sweets?
~Me, though Nick's sweet intake has increased dramatically since meeting me.

When was your "engagement" anniversary:
~September 4th, 2007.

When is your "marriage" anniversary:
~July 19th, 2008.

Do you own a house or rent:
~Currently renting. Closing date on our house is set for March 25!

How many siblings (including in-laws):
~ I have an older sister, Melissa, married to our brother-in-law, David. Nick has an older brother, Chad, engaged to our future sister-in-law, Lauren.

What church do you attend:
~The Church of Christ, in Pikeville {mainstreet}

I have no idea what happened with the camera, but I love this picture of Nick. This is on one of our dates in Joseph Beth bookstore. Actually, a very cool place to hang out together after a great dinner. We're kinda weird like that.

Now, for the blogs I'm gonna tag!
The Deyongsters

Durec Family Nothings

Tami Sue

Bruises and Bows

Our Happily Ever After

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Color My World

We have had the most beautiful day... headed out to church this morning, flurries floating and looking gorgeous. Headed back home afterwards for a brunch of eggs, cheese, spicy sausage, and biscuits. Settled down for a winter's nap - one of the few left with spring right around the corner. Then, about 4 HOURS LATER, woke up just in time to head back to church for the evening. STILL feeling full from lunch, we weren't hungry in the least for dinner BUT a Sonic blast with Reese's Cups defiantly hit the spot.

My ideal day. Delicious food, souls inspired, lots of rest and relaxation.

We've settled in for the evening now. Nick playing video games and me - well, blogging and watching the Academy Awards. I couldn't care less who wins and I never even pay attention to such, but I love, love, love the song and dance skits sprinkled in between AND I can't lie; I love the fashions. I mean, after the wedding, when am I EVER going to get to wear a ball-gown again? I'm either going to have to win me one of those awards or start crashing galas.

I'll have to think that one through sometime later... right now I'm obsessed with PAINT COLORS.

I've been searching design sites, sketching out the rooms in our new house, making lists of which furniture goes where, pretty much going overboard and being
my usual ridiculous self. My mother-in-law has added fuel to the flame by finding more websites to aid in my search for the perfect paint color.

Warning *Sneak Peek* of our new house ahead:

The family room: a lovely neutral color
that I'm looking to kick up a notch.
{Of course, this is the previous owner's decor in the picture...}

If you're in the market for a new shade, try out House Beautiful's website. They have the coolest tool ever - you can pick from several already decorated "rooms" similar to whatever room you have in your house, then choose any color from about 5 palates - Sherwin Williams, Benjamin Moore, Valspar... then "paint" the room on your computer screen, picking out the wall colors, ceiling, trim, accessories. I don't care if you don't even want to paint your house - it's just plain fun.

And another *Sneak Peek*:

The Dinig Room: The color is actually a tad bit more vibrant in real life and I love it!

They'll be no painting necessary in this room. I am content.

Onto getting ready for bed and finishing my obsessive list making for the day. Good Monday to you, tomorrow!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh, To Be a Small Dog

Oh, to be a small dog. To see the world around me with wide eyes, an innocent heart, a love so pure for the simple. To wake up without a plan for my day, to let God take me where He will and to soak it in with delight despite my unkempt appearance, tail wagging happily to be here, anywhere.

To look up to each person I meet, ready to learn, loving without judgment. To forgive so easily when my owners leave me alone for hours on end that I only rejoice when they are home, the forgiveness of Jesus that we struggle to attain and a small dog easily grasps.

A pup whose complete contentment is found curled up in his owner’s lap, thankful to be with them in that moment, careless of his surroundings; a cramped apartment with sink full of dishes, basket full of laundry, or the hand-me down furniture on which he loves life to the fullest.

To be outside and explore every blade of grass and fallen branch on the lawn as an enchanted world he has happened upon. To be true to myself, no matter the perceived importance the person before me may have, to be only God’s child and live for today.

Oh, how I long to be like that small dog whose thoughts do not wander to the future, who does not want for anything besides food and shelter, who can so easily slumber without a moment’s hesitation. To take what I am given without question.

His thoughts are not on this world and the traps and snares that can so easily steal our joy. He contemplates only what is good and knows precisely where his loyalties lie. He lives for today, he lives to be with others, to delight in their presence and company only.

How thankful I am for this little spirit to shine his light and show me God’s beauty and meaning for our life. Until my last breath, I will strive to love the way he has loved since his first breath and still fall short. Yes, all dogs do go to heaven. They are angels walking among us, speaking to us daily without uttering a word.

Oh, to be a small dog in my Father’s world.

~Stephanie Dye Roberts

Matthew 18:1-4
‘At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Almost Famous

"Holy CRAP!"

That's an exact quote from yours truly this evening. Just a few minutes before I was leaving work, the pharmacist and I were talking about my wedding photos and the fabulous photographer who did them. She wanted to see some more images from John Michael since she was interested in using him for a family photo shoot.

I typed in the site from the computer at work, expecting nothing out of the ordinary but HOLY CRAP, I was staring back at me!! I already knew about the award he won with my picture at a state photography competition... yeah, how cool is that... but then, even cooler, I got to be on the home page of a verrrrrrry popular site. He's now the #1 wedding portrait photographer in the STATE! {But we didn't need some judge to tell us that, now did we?}

He's now going onto a national competition with my image. Sorry, but I feel totally famous somehow - my picture is going to be hanging in a gallery where L-O-T-S of people are going to be looking and judging it. That last part's a little scary...

Go visit him and see me:
{Click on "Enter Site"}

And stop by John Michael's own blog to see what the artist has been up to lately!

This gets EVEN crazier - I just stopped by his blog to get the address to share with you, and AGAIN - holy crap, it's me! Click here to see his blog post on the day Mom and I stopped by the studio to pick up our wedding albums and found out the awesome news and took this funny picture with the winning image! {FYI, this was the same day I fell in love with THE cheesecake.}

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dead on My Feet

It's possible that I may be burning off the cheesecake that I finished the last slice of yesterday, but I don't care. I want to go back to my life at home where I wasted lots of time, played with my puppy all day, and got to eat and sit down whenever I wanted to. I started my rotation in K-mart Pharmacy in Pikeville yesterday and MAN, is it a pain. I mean, the actual job is fine, but standing for 10 hour shifts is brutal. Who knew?

Everyone I work with is older and has been doing this job for many years... and talks about their broken veins and how horrible their legs look. Behold, my future. I can't help but notice how much the pharmacist gets to sit down at the computer while the technicians, (and I am a glorified technician), stand alllllllllllll daaaaaaaaay loooooooong. Can't wait to score the sit down job in a few months. It also probably doesn't help that I have these:

Flat feet. Or pes planus to be scientifically correct (I just learned this little term by googling the image). Not that this picture is of my actual feet, though mine are equally as ugly. I'm convinced my feet hurt worse than anyone else's. No, I don't care if you believe that, it's true. If you want to argue the point, we'll hammer out the nice little arch support in your foot and see how well your feet, ankles, knees and lower back react to it.

Not that your feet don't ache.

Just that mine hurt more =)

(Because I feel the need to make it an obnoxious competition.)

I think I'll muddle through being dead on my feet much much much much much better when I'm earning $$$$$ to be killing my joints and lower body circulation. It pretty much sucks when I'm at work and the thought crosses my mind that I'm paying BIG tuition to work for free. Then I have to remind myself that it's an investment in my future and that the return should be worth it.

It's not debt, it's an investment.
It's not debt, it's an investment.
It's not debt, it's an investment.

This time of year always brings back an old addiction (which will now replace cheesecake) that thankfully takes care of itself by becoming unavailable again after Easter has come and gone. I share this love with my sister and dad. We always compared on Easter morning who got more of these in their Easter basket.

My feet may be tired, but as usual, my taste buds are =) =) =) =)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Rock Bottom Cheesecake

After I wrote this little story, I decided to go back to the beginning to preface what you are about to read. This story is one of desperation, lust, impulsive decision making, and ecstasy followed by shame, guilt, humiliation and a good laugh. I could have kept this whole thing a secret, even from my dearest love, who will only be learning the truth for the first time by reading this blog post along with the rest of the world, but it is one that I could not bear to tell to his face. I am a coward. Plus, I like to keep it real around here in blog world.

Well, here I am, blogworld. REAL. RAW. EXPOSED.

It started with a simple little birthday. A yearly event I've been celebrating for, ooooh... I'm not sure how long. In reality, my birthday was on a Wednesday, and this was the following Monday, the day we finally got around to celebrating it with my parents.

Mom and I had dropped by Wal-mart to get some odds and ends for dinner that night, and since I couldn't find the little cookies for what I'm told is a fabulous and simple cake, we were searching for an alternative. Mom wanted to make an angel food cake, but I wasn't really feelin' it - I'm more of a chocolate lover or a you want a little cake with that icing? kind of girl. We looked around the deli to see if anything was looking particularly yummy that day and I found a scrum-diddly-umptious alternative to birthday cake - cheesecake!

Now, I'm not really a cheesecake kind of girl. Don't get me wrong, when it's offered, I EAT IT. But it's really not even on my top 20 dessert list. But that day... THAT DAY, it looked perfect.
In a nutshell, we took it home, sliced it up after dinner, and it was heaven.

I meant to take the leftovers home with me. After all, it was my birthday cake. As I was driving back to our apartment that night, my mouth watered thinking about the next piece I would consume. I was ready to park the car and hit the ground running for a fork, spoon, knife - anything to bring the cheesecake from plate to mouth. And then I had a devastating realization - I forgot to take it with me! It was still in the fridge at my parents'. How could the most important thing in my life, in that exact moment, have slipped my ever-lovin' mind? RATS.

Just as well, I thought. That should save me a couple 100,000 calories I didn't need.

But it wasn't just as well. That night I pinched myself several times thinking about the tasty little, kissed by an angel, cake I had left behind. The next day, I wanted it even more. I tried to eat everything else in our kitchen to satisfy the urge for cheesecake, seriously, everything, but nothing could quench my desire.

By Friday, I felt I had kicked the habit. I was gettin' clean, starting a new life, living without cheesecake, that whole 12 step shebang. I headed out to my rotation in Virginia that morning, feeling like a new day was upon me.

At 11:00 am, I had eaten a lean pocket. It was now 3:30 pm, on my way back but still an hour from home, and Wal-mart starts making it's way in my peripheral vision. The right turn signal starts clicking and I've pulled into the parking lot before I've even realized what happened.

My body took me there. My stomach, my taste-buds - they took the wheel and my mind couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

I had other things we needed so I grabbed my cart and went far far away from the deli. I loaded up, almost made it to the cashier, and then it happened again.

My taste-buds steered the cart over to the deli. I prayed it wasn't there. I prayed it was there. I didn't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt.

This story could have ended with me in the car, eating cheesecake with my bare hands. BUT my taste-buds premeditated this crime. I asked the deli lady for a fork. I don't even remember checking out for heaven's sake - I had only one thing on my mind.

The picture tells the rest of the story. I was never so grateful for my tinted windows - how embarrassing if some stranger had noticed! As I sat in the car, realizing the utter ridiculousness of it all, it donned on me that there was still a camera in my purse from house hunting the past weekend. So of course, I took a picture - for prosperity's sake. {What the heck does that even mean anyway?}

Now, I've told you my shame. Once Nick reads this, he will also know my shame. I planned on cutting a clean "pie piece" shape out of the cheesecake once I got home so he didn't know I "drank straight from the carton". But I didn't and he saw it and I led him to believe that I had done that while at home. Lied by omission. It was bad enough that he thought I acted like an uncivilized human being while in the privacy of our own home.

I wrote it off as a purchase for our home cooked Valentine's Day dinner we were doing the next day. I keep telling myself excuses like 'you hadn't eaten enough, your blood sugar was low' or 'it was those darn hormones' fault' and 'who could have driven the next hour home with a cheesecake staring at them from the passenger's seat?'

Don't worry, people. I don't need you all to get together and organize an intervention. I'll voluntarily admit myself to rehab. Either that or take on a second job to pay for my new pants I'm going to have to buy to compensate for the recent cheesecake addiction.

It's just plain old, nothing special Wal-mart cheesecake! Who would have thought? It was better than the most gourmet version just flown in from New York, in my humble opinion. You should totally try it, go get yourself addicted and we can check ourselves into rehab together. Misery loves company.

I also ate it again later that evening, for dessert after every meal since, and as my actual breakfast each morning. Thankfully Nick is eating slices too, so I won't end up knowing I downed the whole thing be myself.

Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned. I am a gluttonous human being. Please, give me strength to break this cycle of addiction. And Lord... could you please speed up my metabolism a little bit this week? I need to fit back into my old bathing suits next month for a weekend with my pharmacy school girlfriends. That would be great. AMEN.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Happily Ever After

The last wedding slideshow!!!!!! Yay for you!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our Valentine's Day Ceremony

We still don't have our wedding video yet, so pictures of the actual "tying of the knot" will have to due until then. {Plus, I doubt I'll ever be able to upload any of that video, so this will have to due for you as well!}

What a sweet way to celebrate this holiday on the blog! If we do anything exciting today, I'll let you know... well, not about everything exciting. {hehe}

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm going overboard. I can hardly cut down the amount of pictures. If you like pictures, you're going to love the next few days of slideshows. If not... geeze, you should've found another blog to read by now, this one is soo-o-oooo NOT for you.

We're picture people, people.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Thursday

Thursdays are BY FAR my favorite day of the week for 5 reasons:

#1 Ugly Betty

#2 Grey's Anatomy

#3 Private Practice

#4 The Office

#5 And the weekend starts tomorrow!!!


Don't Screw Up the BIG Day - REHEARSE

I made a little slideshow from the wedding rehearsal - just a few of my favorites.

I've decided slideshows are going to be the best way to go to share all of the pictures from the wedding that I want to get on here. I hope you don't mind! More to come as I get them finished.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

David After Dentist

We (i.e. just Nick) are still in the process of finalizing paperwork, taking care of the finances and closing up the deal with the house. There are 1,001 things that could go wrong, the entire bottom could still drop out, so we are maintaining peace about everything, hoping for the best, keeping the worst back in the cobweb covered corners of our minds but definitely meditating on the best case scenario.

I've had lots of homework and papers to write and phone calls to make to finish up this rotation by it's last day this Thursday. I haven't been much fun except for the hour out of the day I take to walk the dog in this BEAUTIFUL 70 DEGREE WEATHER. Oh my, it is wonderful. I left the house completely stressed yesterday and came back from the outdoors full of excitement for the spring and summer ahead of us, feeling wholly rejuvenated. The long walks are full of appreciation for God's handiwork as well as contemplation and working through all the thoughts in my tiny brain. Free therapy at its best.

I have watched this clip about 10 times and laughed out loud everytime. I believe kids' behavior is very similar to that of inebriated adults, add some anesthesia at the dentist, and WOW. At least I thought it was hilarious.
Onto my "free therapy", a.k.a. wringing every drop of energy out of the dog as possible, and finishing up my homework before church tonight. I hope you get a laugh from the clip!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not only

...did we set out on our journey to becoming homeowners yesterday, we also got to pick up the long awaited wedding photos! I don't think I've had a day filled with that much excitement in years. {Well, except for that whole actual day of the wedding and all...} It was all very wonderful and surreal.

Now sit back and enjoy a few of the photos. If you've visited John Michael's website and happened upon our pictures featured on there, too bad, these are the same ones. However, I will be making slide shows of many more to come. (We have 875 photos from the rehearsal dinner, ceremony and reception - lots of eye candy!) It's just a little time consuming and there are a few more things going on in my world besides uploading photos of the most wonderful day of my life =)

You can click on either of the little boxes to the bottom right of the slide show to enlarge. If you make the photos as big as your computer screen, they can get a bit grainy. The mid-sized screen works well, or just enjoy as is.

Monday, February 09, 2009

We got it!

This announcement might be a little premature, we've only heard by phone and there's still lots of paper work to do - BUT, we got the house!!!!!! (We got the pool table too, per Nick's request. Whoopie.)

We actually thought we might find ourselves in a bidding war with another couple who were interested, in this housing market who would have thought that would be the case? But our offer was strong - they didn't even counter offer!

Now I can finally let my mind wander about paint colors (which I might not even need, they had grrrrrreat taste), which pieces of our furniture will go where, and figure out what we may need to finish the look. Moving day is nearer than ever and REAL.

Of course I'll get some pictures up here once we've closed on the deal. I think this post is jinxing enough how it is!

"There's a lot more to being a home owner than owning a home." -The wise, Bob Roberts

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Offer's on the table

We put an offer in on a house just a couple of hours ago. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I am beyond anxious, trying not to be, trying not to even think about it, grasping at peace for whatever outcome occurs, and excited beyond words. The sellers have 24 hours to respond to our offer.

One breath at a time.

I'm driving my mom crazy with teaser pictures of mansions and castles. Please do not entertain the thought for one moment that we are looking at large glamorous homes. We are thrilled to receive any of the modest homes we've looked at this past couple of weeks. BUT I love this picture of a redneck mansion. I think we could actually swing this with the monies we're looking to spend. My mom said she would be moving in with us if we ended up in the mansion or castle. Well, mom, you can move into this one with us tomorrow! (I have a feeling she'll be staying right where she's at.)

Friday, February 06, 2009

All I want is a room somewhere...

We're back out in search for our perfect castle this weekend. I'm hoping everything won't be covered in snow and ice this time around - we might actually be able to see the outsides of the houses too!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I wanna talk about...

This is my narcissistic post dedicated to my quarter century on this earth today. I have been blessed one million times over and am so thankful to my parents, husband, family and friends who have brought me to this lovely place I am in today. Despite myself, I have been provided love beyond measure. I have truly enjoyed every year of this life!{These pages are straight from the book I made for my parents at Christmas; I thought they fit the day well!}

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Little man and I went for our walk in the hills of east Kentucky today, despite the falling temperatures and the tiny snowflakes starting to accumulate on the ground. It wasn't all that cold after getting bundled up, plus, after starting the little hike, things always begin to heat up. Of course, I'm only speaking for me and not the little pup who's bare feet had to track through the snow. But he did wear his sweater and run wild like a deliriously happy, formerly cooped up desperate house dog.

Take the following video as proof of his wild wolf dog within. {You'll see him attack me at the end... he doesn't like me to stop walking. It's all business with this guy and if we're not moving, we're wasting his time...}

P.S. My sister and her husband just got their electricity back last night - that was a full week without power! Sheesh!