Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Happily Ever After

The last wedding slideshow!!!!!! Yay for you!


  1. You have a great blog...I love the picture......This blog hop is so much fun!

  2. Found you thru the blog hop, you were a beautiful bride!! I love wedding pics.

  3. Stopping by from the blog hop! What a beautiful bride you where!

    Feel free to stop by and visit me sometime! :)

  4. What beautiful wedding photos!!! Found you through the Blog Hop...I am really having so much fun with that!
    Please stop by and see me som time at
    I've been married for almost 27 years, have 14, almost 17 children and LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    God is so good and I trust that you'll see His goodness in your years to come as I have seen them in mine!

  5. What beautiful wedding photos!!! Found you through the Blog Hop...I am really having so much fun with that!
    Please stop by and see me some time at
    I've been married for almost 27 years, have 14, almost 17 children and LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    God is so good and I trust that you'll see His goodness in your years to come as I have seen them in mine!

  6. What great wedding pictures!! Simply gorgeous!

  7. Everything was so beautiful.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)