Sunday, February 08, 2009

Offer's on the table

We put an offer in on a house just a couple of hours ago. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I am beyond anxious, trying not to be, trying not to even think about it, grasping at peace for whatever outcome occurs, and excited beyond words. The sellers have 24 hours to respond to our offer.

One breath at a time.

I'm driving my mom crazy with teaser pictures of mansions and castles. Please do not entertain the thought for one moment that we are looking at large glamorous homes. We are thrilled to receive any of the modest homes we've looked at this past couple of weeks. BUT I love this picture of a redneck mansion. I think we could actually swing this with the monies we're looking to spend. My mom said she would be moving in with us if we ended up in the mansion or castle. Well, mom, you can move into this one with us tomorrow! (I have a feeling she'll be staying right where she's at.)

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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)