Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Quarter Century

After a dinner at Fiesta Mexicana, a stirring tribute to Nick's birthday sung by a nice Mexican gentleman and his guitar, and a huge fried ice cream, we all headed back to our apartment for some cake and a little present opening by the birthday boy himself.
Mom and Dad Roberts
(and Hendrix trying to steal the attention)
Mom and Dad Dye

One very old 25 year old man and one very young 24 year old little lady
Mostly scared of the balloons on the floor that were invading his space, Hendrix barked at many of them and when he could finally get a hold of one and bite it, he popped them. What a guard dog.

Nick's mom, Karen, brought over Nick's baby book too. I finally got to go through it today, (while I am currently laying on he couch with a head cold and a roll of toilet paper since I blew all the Kleenexes away), and WHOA. Karen - what dedication!

This lady filled out every detail of our little Nick's book. It was so cool to read about all the moments I wasn't around to witness. I think I may be mostly in awe because he's a second child, and from my own experience as a second child, they usually don't get the detail that the first child did. Mostly because that first child is an overly hyperactive trouble maker coloring an entire wall with crayons before anyone notices (my sister).

So kudos to you Karen! My favorite part of the book - Nick's first smile at 4 weeks old. Do you know who was being born when Nick was 4 weeks old? That's right, ME! Little Nick smiled on February 4th, knowing somewhere out there, his future wife was pushing her way out into the world. (Getting ahead of myself and my imagination? Yeah, but it's a total blast.)


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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)