Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nickster!

I've been so busy planning a few birthday surprises that I haven't had the minute to stop and post a little dedicated to the one I love. Today is the most glorious day of the year - it's Nick's birthday!

I am so glad this guy of mine was born. I could not picture my life without him and often wonder what I did before him. My world definitely revolves around him, our little family and our dreams for the future.

Nick is my rock and my support. He goes to work everyday, the sole bread winner while I'm in school, and never complains for one second. He is sweet, lovable, and the best cuddler a person could be (cuddling was in my Top 5 for things I needed in a future husband). I am constantly calling or messaging this guy whenever we aren't together, I love to share everything in my life with him and always love to hear about what's going on in his. In so many ways and for so many tiny reasons, he makes me laugh and love him 100 times more than I did the day before.

He deserves a very happy 25th birthday (quarter of a century - whoa!) and I hope that he has one today. Hopefully I'll have a few pics of the birthday boy from tonight's celebration to share with you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful couple! hope the surprises go well... you will have to let us know what you had up your sleeve! : )


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)