Would it sound better if I told you I got up at 4:30 this morning for some last minute study before my pharmacy law exam from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks?? {Seriously, I have soooooooo much respect for those taking the bar exam. My rinky dink exam was nothing like the bar exam, but it was tricky as all get out with several correct answers and having to pick the most correct one. YUCK. I need black and white. Apparently, the law is a crappy shade of gray. And now my mood is gray.}
After the exam, I moped around Target for a while, trying to buy happiness, but realized I just needed to start a new day because this one was just going to SUCK.
So I went home, ate a huge bowl of spaghetti and went to bed.
NOW, I'm starting a new day and this one looks better!
I'm making one of Nick's and my favorite meals and then we're heading out to see "Funny People" at the movie show =)
I also think it's worth mentioning that today is our one year blogiversary of this electronic scrapbook I love so dear. It ranks wAy up there as one of the best decisions I've ever made. Seriously. I would have up to 50% less memory of this first year of marriage without this little jewel. If no one besides us ever read my ramblings and looked at our pictures, I would still be ecstatic that I actually took the time to document and have only the most romantic notions that our future kids and grandkids will read this. {Hello, future offspring!}

It's also Mrs. Pettijohn's 26th birthday! Run over and send her some birthday wishes and cross your fingers that she brings Hudson into this world soon!