I thought I wouldn't be participating in Kelly's house party this week since it was all about nurseries/children's rooms and, as of right now, I don't have either of those in our Roberts' love nest. BUT I do have a designated room for one of those AND I do have thoughts, ideas, dreams, creative hairs about such a room. So why not put it into words, organize my ideas, and use other people's images to let you in on the dream.

Wouldn't ya think that perhaps my husband, the future child in question's father, would also like to see what the room, that he may be doing 2 am feedings in, may look like? You'll be getting the first glimpse right along side of him... which I'm sure will come as quite a surprise to him when he meanders on over to read the blog today. In the future, I'll be asking his opinion on the design, but for right now, it's all for kicks and giggles and the sky's the limit!
So let's do it!
First off, let me introduce you to the room that a little bundle of joy {or two, or three...or shoot me} will be residing in, if the "drop off" occured while we are still in this little house. The pictures are the photos the sellers took of this room, so this is their furniture. We have since converted the room into an office, which wasn't much to take a picture of yet, so I haven't - - but you get the idea. If a little one comes along, the office will be moved, easily, next door to a smaller guest bedroom.
The prospective nursery:

Onto my stolen images.
#1 hope for the nursery: a mural! I'm thinking something natural, peaceful, soft colors, classic design. I love clouds, extending onto the ceiling with a little picket fence at the base of the wall, a tree, and a few animal friends. {Maybe an animation of our first fur-child, Hendrix?} Can I do all this myself? Not sure; I've never tried. If I can't, I call in some artistic friends and family. But know this: it will happen =)

Not so much on the mural in this one, but check out the real picket fence applied to the wall. Very cool.

These clouds are a dream... and a beautiful approach to a unique ceiling. I love the birds hanging above the crib!!

The mural goes either way, boy or girl. So that's great, decision made regardless of ultrasound results. Lovely. I tend to steer towards blue anyway. The pink craze I went through in high school totally ruined the color for me.
The sweetest little blue room I've ever seen:

I'm really hoping we can find room for a chandelier as well... just a small one. A baby chandelier, if you will. =)=)=) Anyone know if a ceiling fan is ever used with a baby? If not, it's out and the chandelier is in!
You can barely see it here, but a simple, cute wall + fancy schmancy lighting = a great combo.
A perfect world: