Tuesday, June 04, 2013

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day with my guys

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have already seen a few of these!

It was hard to believe yesterday was a Monday... Nick and I agreed that our work days went too smoothly and that our evening together with our rambunctious, hilarious boy impressing us with things we didn't even know he knew was beyond perfect.

This was the first walk we've ever taken where Houston walked the entire time. He held the dog's leash most of the time, ran, jumped and laughed without end. These are the days we live for and the memories that keep us going.

Did I mention my son was hilarious?

Our dog hardly misses a chance to hike his leg on a tree or mailbox. It appears Houston has been making a mental note... he hiked his leg several times on our walk and had us rolling in surprise and laughter!

At the end of our walk, Nick noticed a couple hot air balloons - the season has started! It seems we spot them several times through the summer floating over our house. They were close enough to hear the hot air blowing and Houston was in awe.

He chased them all the way to our backyard and waved bye-bye.

The weather was absolutely perfect, but I have sunshine even on a cloudy day with my guys♥


  1. Too cute! The picture of him lifting his leg is hilarious!

  2. LOVE!!!!!!! It's been awhile and I loved getting all caught up. Houston is too stinkin' cute. The pic of him pointing at the balloons with daddy is priceless. definitely a framer. Glad to hear all is well in your world.

  3. Love this! What a sweet little family you have. I can't wait for my 5 month old to be old enough to go on walks and little adventures :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)