Monday, May 27, 2013

Houston's First {of many} Reds' Game

Saturday, we had a phenomenal time taking Houston to his first {of many to come!} Cincinnati Reds' game with Nick's parents.
Little man had a great time!

I think I pretty much want to frame each and every one of these pictures from that day!

Funny :)

This boy makes every day special and he is {mostly} a very easy and FUNNY side-kick to have around. He is a JOY.
Again, mostly ;)
We kept him up late watching Monsters’ Inc. last night for fun and as a side benefit, we were hoping for a late wake-up call this morning for our 3 day weekend.
No such luck. A babbling toddler at 7am got our house moving and has made for a very productive Memorial Day by 10 am already!
*Remembering our loved ones who have gone ahead of us today, as well as remembering how thankful I am for our armed forces and those that have given ALL for our freedom.*


  1. So glad you had such a great time. Wonderful pictures!!

  2. such great pictures! I love taking the little ones to the ballpark!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)