Monday, November 05, 2012

cuteness overload


I don’t know what it was about this past weekend, but baby boy was at the top of his game in comedy and cuteness. I can’t get enough of this sweet, chubby cheeked boy. I think I could literally eat him up.


But first, a quick recap of Halloween in pictures… I’m looking at these the same as you since these are my mom and dad’s pictures they took of Houston in his cowboy outfit on Halloween {recycled from his birthday party!} Nick and I both worked late the night of Halloween :( , so my parents dressed him up to help them give out candy. It was a bit cold in KY this year to take him out yet when he can’t understand the principle or even eat the candy, but no matter what, we will be trick-or-treating next year!











On Friday morning, Houston was doing his usual laps around the kitchen and family room, but this time, while happily carrying the box our Sam’s club sized quantity of K-cups came in. Suddenly I heard him screaming and came running into the kitchen to find him sitting – stuck – in the box!

He laughed when I started laughing and then I grabbed the phone to take a picture of him BEFORE helping him out… what a good mom I am ;)

As soon as I took him out, he stepped right back in. Thus continued the cycle of whining for me to remove him then jumping back in to get “stuck” in the box!




Later that same morning, I took this video of him to finally catch him turning circles. He just learned he could do this recently and when he gets on a roll, it’s hard not to fall over laughing.


Just WHO spiked this kid’s sippy cup?!



We can just skip Saturday since momma worked 14 hours that day and only got to see him for the few minutes him and daddy came to visit the pharmacy. Boo!

But for those few minutes, he still made me laugh :)


Sunday I worked as well, but \our child didn’t get the memo to sleep in an hour later and since Sundays in the pharmacy don’t start till 10 am, we got in a quick breakfast with Houston’s uncle Chad at our new First Watch in Lexington. DELICIOUS! I scarfed down the pumpkin pancakes like I hadn’t been fed in weeks…


This kid could probably be flicking boogers and I’d think it was cute ;) … but who could possibly deny this baby boy in his daddy’s hat isn’t the most precious way to start a work day?




and on a stinky day at work, I’m thankful for picture texts from my baby-daddy like this one on Sunday:




My heart melts♥

The video of him playing in the leaves is a super cute one too, but you’ll just have to take my word for it since it’s on the hubby’s phone.


Dance parties are becoming more and more common in our household as this boy starts moving his feet and bouncing up and down to even the weather channel. In the mornings, we have tons of fun listening to Queen Radio on Pandora, a fun mix of music I highly recommend.


Last night’s dance party before bathtime:

{Excuse our toy EXPLOSION in the living room…}




There are only the teeniest, tiniest parts of me that miss the infant stage. Those times were beautiful but I’m not looking back long, we are having a blast with our toddler man and every day is quickly becoming a fun, new adventure as he grows and learns at lightening speed!


Hope one of these brought a smile to your Monday.





  1. He is like his own little mini mosh pit haha. He is too cute and looks JUST like his daddy IMO. The cowboy outfit is just precious. We all wish we didnt have to work ever so we could just soak up every second. It flies!

  2. He is starting to look SO much like Nick! I love that picture of him in the pile of leaves, perfect for fall fun!

  3. He is adorable!!! I love the picture of him in the leaves!

  4. Seeing these pictures and videos makes me so excited for what's to come with my baby boy! He's just 9 months old now. LOVE the cowboy costume!!

  5. He is absolutely precious! I love reading your posts, they ALWAYS bring a smile! Love him up, before you know know it he'll be approaching 17, driving, and have girlfriend : (. They grow up waaaaay too fast.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)