Friday, October 05, 2012

Foodie Friday – Pumpkin Pie Smoothie


The Pioneer Woman’s Pumpkin Pie Smoothie has been rocking my world!

{Her own picture.}



In honor of my belated turn in the dentist’s chair to have my wisdom teeth removed today and the anticipation that this will be about all I’ll be able to eat later, I’m sharing my beloved find. Pioneer Woman always knows what she’s doing, so I’m not the least bit surprised this was extremely scrumptious.


{Click the link for the recipe. NICK: This means YOU! when I get home today and slur something about pumpkin in my drug haze. I’m convinced the deliciousness should have some kind of healing powers.}


I am, however, surprised at just how easy this smoothie is… frozen {canned} pumpkin pie filling, whole milk, vanilla yogurt, blender… BAM!

There’s a party in my tummy every single time.


{…and that’s for all the parents watching re-runs of Yo Gabba Gabba back-to-back like us :)}



My only change/recommendation/addition to the recipe would be to freeze the pumpkin pie filling in cubes. This was easy for me since I so regularly make and freeze dozens of cubes of baby food weekly! This makes the smaller servings for moi more manageable then a large pitcher for one… it’s too dangerous to have that much on hand at once.


Just so there’s no confusion with the baby’s PUMPKIN food cubes and mommy’s PUMPKIN PIE cubes, I have mine clearly labeled:




The true taste test: little man can’t get enough! He drinks it continuously until his little tummy is full, after 5 straight minutes of this, I’m surprised he doesn’t get a brain freeze:




and he is the ONLY one that I don’t mind to share my precious pumpkin pie smoothie with♥



I should be deep into dreamland by the time this posts… Houston gained his seventh tooth this week while I’m losing 4 today. Maybe we’ll meet somewhere in the middle eventually ;)

I’m hoping the scale tells me tomorrow that those teeth were 2 pounds EACH.


Wishful thinking!




  1. PARTY IN MY TUMMY is my favorite Yo Gabba Gabba scene EVER! Is it bad that I stopped reading this blog post when I saw the clip was available, and then started watching the clip instead?! {Don't worry...I have finished reading the post} ;)

  2. That looks delicious! I will have to try them this weekend!

  3. Any suggestions for ingredient ratios if you make a single serving instead of a pitcher?


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)