Friday, March 30, 2012

March Madness :: Thanksgiving Recap


Nothing else could explain what I’m about to show you except that I’ve gone a little mad…. perhaps a touch of “March Madness” if you will.


If this little family blog is my replacement for keeping up with a baby book, then I’ve sadly left out a couple of VERY important occasions from the first year of my little man’s life.


Thanksgiving AND Christmas.


Not like they were baby’s FIRST Thanksgiving or FIRST Christmas or anything monumental like that, which would make me darn close to being the worst mother in the world.


Oh, wait…




If I could take just a moment to play the blame game here, I’m going to chalk it up to the fact that I came back from maternity leave the Monday after Thanksgiving and life has been moving at the speed of light ever since.


{Overtime the first week back to work from baby leave?! Why thank you, Meijer Pharmacy. How sweet of you! I find it so hard to remember why it is that I put my two weeks notice in 8 loooong weeks later when my welcome back was such a warm one ;)}


But it can’t all be blamed on Meijer since I did leave mid-January… as time continued to tick by, I became more and more ashamed to be posting about our holidays so late and now it has FINALLY come to this, March Madness.


Sometimes you’ve just go to admit your faults and go on.

Hello, my name is Stephanie and I’m a chronic procrastinator.



Enjoy {or ignore entirely} a few pics from our Thanksgiving.

You know, that day almost 4 months ago, way back in the year of 2011…


Beware that the madness shall continue and that a Christmas post is not far behind.

{I am aware this is utterly ridiculous. I feel confident you’ve already come to this conclusion about my personality though and that you’ve stuck around because you find amusement in others’ psychotic breaks. What sick, twisted people you must be… which is one of the reasons I do, truly, adore you♥}


I believe this picture wraps up how enamored our families our with our little man and that his life is not documented to ridiculous proportions on film by just me.



The rest of the pictures are from the Thursday through Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, starting with our arrival with the little thug himself.




















Ending with this picture of my favorite guy in my least favorite sweatshirt, I’ll say one final time before the big game tomorrow…








  1. Can you please share the kind of makeup you use! It always looks awesome in your pictures!!

  2. Are you a pharmacist? Please do a post on your make look flawless! Mel

  3. that picture of him in the little orange hoodie is too cute! you have the cutest little babe!

  4. absolutely loved your anonymous blog! so I thought I'd do one myself! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and hope you'll come read mine! In the next few months, we will start trying for a baby of our own. I would love if you would follow along!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)