Thursday, February 02, 2012

play-dates defined

Playdates: once thought {by me} to be a day for parents’ of young children to meet together and provide socialization for young, budding individuals to learn about others and enjoy playtime with tiny people their own age.


My previous thinking was almost completely wrong.


Playdates redefined since I’ve now attended a few of my own: a day for parents’ of young children to meet together and provide socialization among adults including an outlet to vent, share parenting ideas and possibly even let our children play together if we can’t coerce them into taking a nap ;)

At least that’s what it is in our current season of life while most of my friends have babies and toddlers. Things will surely change as our children grow, but I’m definitely enjoying this time!



Back in November, I got to meet up with my friends Danielle and Brittney at Danielle’s house. I hadn’t seen Danielle since the last time we all got together, while she was still pregnant with her second child and I was still pregnant with Houston.

What a big difference a few months have made in our lives! Danielle, now with two children, me with my baby boy, and on this same day, my roommate of 4 years in college, Brittney, broke the news to us of her little one on the way! I have never been so blown away!!!!



Harper {almost 6 months} and Houston {almost 3 months}



Checking him out while Houston gives me the stink-eye for taking pictures instead of coming to his rescue =)



A little closer inspection was necessary.



Really, lady? Don’t you have enough pictures yet?”



“Dude, you’re kind of lazy laying around all the time, but I dig your blue stripes almost as much as my pink ones.”



“MoOOOOOOm!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl cooties!!!!!!!!!!”IMG_8963 


“Wait up, babe. I think I need a little more of that sugar!



After getting a little too close, big brother Harrison had to step in. He better start practicing now – in the future, boys after Harper might be a little more agile than this one!



The best pic we could get with all three kids :)



Oh, the chaos!





Then, just a couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hosting 4 other girls and their sons for a playdate at my house! It was a blast.



Seated left to right from oldest to youngest:

Mason, Houston, Hudson, Wyatt and Ty



When was the last time you saw this much cuteness in one place?!



The mommas had a lovely time talking everything baby and getting to know each other. Surprisingly, the 3 hours went by FAST with no melt-downs what-so-ever. Our little boys were as good as gold!

Who says boys are rowdier???

I can’t wait to get together again!!


Holding hands, completely un-coerced  – I melt.♥




The difference these days – no more pictures of the mommas!! We’ll have to change that one next time ;)


  1. It's amazing how it becomes all about baby. Nobody wants us anymore after we have kids!

  2. Oh my gosh! Haha so much cuteness. All those boys are adorable! I'm always worried that none of my friends will be having babies when I do, but fingers crossed that I can at least find one or two buddies for my kids :)

  3. These pictures are adorable!! I especially love all of your captions--too cute & funny!

  4. I love the cooties picture too cute!!!!


  5. Too funny!!! I am totally cracking up over that first set of pics! I love baby play dates-you never know what they're gonna do ;)

  6. In that third photo, Harper is totally saying "Hey boy! How you doin'?" Too cute. We have a playdate with my little guy's fave gal tomorrow. Love it :)

  7. Houston's face in the picture where Harper's rolling onto him is priceless! I thought the same thing about playdates when I was without kids, how fortunate you have so many friends with kids.

  8. Love it! Must be boy season in Lexington! I have a 4 month old little boy myself here! Congrats to all the new mommas.

  9. I absolutely love the "cooties" picture. So cute. I love play dates!

  10. Those are some wildly cute photos. Really. These are great.

  11. hello thanks you for the helpful information


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)