Thursday, January 05, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year/Birthday…

Where, oh where, is the time going?

2011 was without a doubt, my best year yet. The arrival of this little munchkin was the biggest blessing of my entire 27 years and ringing in the new year with his smiling face smushed between kisses from his momma and daddy tell me 2012 will most likely blow the last year out of the water!

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This sweet baby boy turned 4 months old on December 29th and I have yet to document him even turning 3 months old, let alone his first Thanksgiving, his momma returning to work, his first Christmas or…. hello????his BIRTH story!

I WILL play catch-up even if y’all roll your eyes at my insanity :) I want to remember every.single.moment. of this little guy’s life:


Could you not just eat him up?!


{Now to the main reason I’m posting today!}

The love of my life, my favorite person in the world, my love, my baby-daddy, my husband and prince charming is turning 28 years old today! This man blesses my life with his mere presence each and every day. He caters to my every request, he treats me like a princess, loves me through my every mood and manages to look like the man of my dreams through it all. Most of all, this year he celebrates his first birthday as the most amazing father I could ask for my child. He deserves the world and I will love him till my last breath.


Happy Birthday, sweetest! Houston and I love you more with each passing day♥


  1. so sweet. Happy Birthday to the "blue eyed boy"!

  2. Mn he is getting so big!!! I can't wait to hear his birth story still so I don't think you're crazy

  3. Your little man is ADORABLE!!!! Happy Birthday to your special husband!

  4. you are beyong gorgeous! Babyboy I could just eat him up he is adorable! happy Birthday to your husband

  5. Super sweetness all around!!!! Congrats. He sure is a cutie. {both of em}

  6. Houston is growing like a weed! So cute :)

  7. Yay your back! Houston has gotten so big already! I can't wait to hear his birth story. And Happy Birthday to the hubby!

  8. I am looking forward to you catching us up on everything but until then, pictures of your sweet, growing boy are definitely sufficient! Your family is so darn cute!

  9. such a sweet post and your little boy is ADORABLE!!!!!

    Chelsi @

  10. Such a cute post! Happy Birthday to your hubby, and your son is too cute! :)

  11. Sounds like a great day. You are very blessed!

  12. he's adorable! My lo just turned 3 months this week and I have yet to post her birth story as well! We need to get on it!

  13. Yippee! Those pictures are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! And I love that you're still going to do a retrospective on the things we've missed! Many blessings to you all for 2012!

  14. yay!! love reading your blog. the holidays always seem to go by faster every year! Happy 2012!

  15. OMG his face is priceless in each pic. Love!!

  16. Such a cutie! I'm enjoying my 10 week old niece.

    Perfect way to spend the holidays :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)