Saturday, October 29, 2011

Erin Condren Life Planner for $12.50!!!!


You could knock me over with a feather right now… my GOSH, this could be the deal of the century!


If you have not yet purchased the life planner, YOU CAN DO SO FOR AN EVEN CHEAPER price!


If you’ve drooled over these planners like I have, but cringe to pony up the asking price…


Go here. Sign up. You get automatic 5 dollars for being a new member {use new email address if you already are a member}. Purchase the erin condren voucher. It will come up 20 dollars (takes off 5 automatically). Then enter code: spooky30 and get an additional 30% off! So you end up paying 12.50 dollars!

Then go to Pick your life planner out! The total will come to 58.75. Put in code: welcome10. This will take off 10 dollars. Then put in your voucher code. Your total will be 0 with 1.25 left over!!’


{can you tell how amazingly awesome this deal is?!}

{and if you have already signed up for plum district, in order to get the 5 dollar automatic off again, just use a new email!} this makes GREAT x-mas gifts!!

** if not showing up for your city CLICK "EXPLORE YOUR DISTRICT"- should be on the bottom right

okay start here!

****P.S. – If you’re wanting this deal and you find “your district” {according to your zip code} is sold out, the last time I checked at 11 am, the “Louisville district” still had this deal available, just use the zip code 40515… hope this helps!



Side note: I, shamefully, copy and pasted this entire post from Becky over at from Mrs. to Mama. I just HAD to share this with y’all ASAP! {It was too late and I am too sleep deprived to word it as perfectly as she already had… my SINCERE apologies, though I know she will be absolutely cool with it cause she’s pretty freakin’ awesome like that.}

P.S. – Becky is one AMAZING woman – gorgeous with a gorgeous family, working night shift as a RN and working days as a full-time mama AND is one phenomenal bargain hunting, coupon clipping saving super power. Follow her blog… you will NOT be sorry! ;)


  1. I love your new layout and design!

  2. Thank you sooo much! I have been eyeing that planner but I couldn't justify spending that much. :) Now it has been ordered. Thanks!

  3. I wish I could...I've been dying over these planners, but way too much $ for me! Sadly, Plum district does not work for those of us who live in Canada...enjoy your planner!

  4. I like your new layout! Very nice!
    Also thanks for the tip, can't wait to get my new calendar. I hadn't ever gotten one before, but I had looked at site before!

  5. What an amazing deal! I immediately went online and got the planner. Then I stole your directions and put them on my blog... with a shout-out to you, of course! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks so much for the info! I just purchased the deal and then purchased a teachers lesson planner for my son's teacher (for Christmas)! You rock!

  7. Thank you! Thanks you! I just ordered multiple gifts for Christmas with this deal. Would never have known if you didn't spread the word. Woo hoo!

  8. Thank you!!!!!! I had an earlier deal that I purchased for my SIL for Christmas but wanted to get one too! I am so excited!!

    Love the new look!

  9. Okay now it TOTALLY makes since. Here I am all day telling my hubby "wow, I gained like 18 new followers overnight... I'm on some kind of role... what could I have written that reeled these people in!"

    so when I saw this post, I just died. 1. You crack me up. 2. You are just to sweet. 3. Thanks for the sweet words.... you know the love is MUTUAL! :)

    p.s. I am SO loving your new layout. How could I not with that cute little addition on the left?!

    HAPPY halloween (in a few hours) to you and your sweet family!

  10. OH MY GOSH~ I got one..and WOOHOOO! I still have 1.73 left on my account! :O) TY so much for your help with this and I can't wait to receive it!!

  11. AWESOME, thanks for the info, but I have a question I signed up under a new email address to get the additional $5 off but it is not coming off the total! Is there somewhere where I am suppose to apply the $5 plum dollars to get it cheaper or did yalls just come off the total amount?


  12. Thanks girl.. between you and Becky , I totally caved and just ordered one! :)

  13. I just want to say THANK YOU for posting this!!!!!! I can't wait to get my new planner!!

  14. Sad! It's sold out. Snooze you lose, I guess ):


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)