Monday, October 24, 2011

decorating takes a back seat


I’m sure some of you have noticed this blog’s turn in topic lately.

and by lately, I mean practically since I peed on a stick last December and held the secret from you as long as I could until February.

and by held the secret from you, I mean, I just didn’t write nary a thang… just take a look at January on the sidebar – I wrote one post that month. If I couldn’t write about baby, I couldn’t write at all.

Simple minded?


My love of decorating and crafting has taken a backseat to my baby brain on the blog and in my house. Unless you count the nursery?

But I’m saving up ideas for next year when I project that my baby brain will have eased off and I may have gotten the hang of motherhood well enough that my simple minded brain can swing a few more things besides surviving with an infant.


Ideas for fall next year:

{and that you may still want to do this year if you have the time!}


Gorgeous modge podge pumpkins:



Burlap wreath with monogram:



Candy corn pom-poms:



Cinnamon stick candles:



Halloween banner… though I see myself doing this with purely “fall” colored fabric/ribbons so it can have a longer mantle life at my house than just October =):



Yarn candy corn:

yarn candy corns



So these next two are fall and baby related. Forgive me ;)


Baby pumpkin:

This one we will probably actually get to attempt this weekend!… we had been talking about this idea and then I saw it pop up on my sorority sister, Ashley’s, blog! Little Walker is absolutely GORGEOUS in his pumpkin. Could it get any cuter than those big blue eyes and sweet rosy cheeks?!


{Though Nick wants to make leg and arm holes in the pumpkin for Houston… ha! I think that may border on child abuse. We should have a hard enough time just pulling it off as is with H not able to hold his head up on his own just yet. We may have to modify it somehow for our little bobble head =)}


Candy corn onesie:

Last but not least: I was all ready to go make this cute onesie last week for Houston and for my friend’s new baby, but life got in the way… maybe next year, or more likely, next baby!



Happy fall, y’all!!! 





  1. Love these ideas! Especially the baby in the pumpkin pic!!! Cute, cute!

  2. If you are able to escape 'mommy brain' next year, I want your secret. Four years in and I'm still not firing on all cylinders. The good news is that you will have adjusted to mommyhood by then and probably gotten into a routine, both of which definitely help in getting things accomplished. Good luck. Love all your ideas.

  3. I love some of those ideas, especially the wreath! We actually did the baby in the pumpkin this past weekend. Try putting your little guy in it when he is sleepy. Thats what we did since our son doesn't have good head control yet either, that way he wouldn't fight as much.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love all the ideas! We did the baby inside the pumpkin thing back in 2009 when my daughter was four months old. It was so adorable! Here is my blog post with the pictures. (It's the fifth picture from the top.)

    I had to fix the link sorry about deleting my previous comment! :)

  6. Such good ideas! Give it a few months and you'll be back to crafting in no time. I want to decorate the house even more now that I have Bambinos.

  7. Love those ideas! I can't wait to see what you do with them next year!!

  8. Thanks for the ideas! I think I might even be able to manage to accomplish the cinnamon candles!

    As always, love seeing Houston. Keep the pics coming!

  9. I like the cinnamon candle idea. That looks like it MIGHT even be simple enough for this girl to do. Centerpiece for Thanksgiving, anyone?

  10. I love love all these craft ideas! And my favorite picture is the one with the baby in the pumpkin. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. xoxo

  11. Cute ideas!.....and that last picture is especially cute! It took me about 6 mo. to get the hang of motherhood...before you know it you will too and you'll be crafting and decorating and juggling all sorts of things. :)


  12. Awww I love fall decor... Your munchkin is adorable.

  13. Love that last pic of Houston! And baby brain... does that ever leave?! Last night I attempted to cook and got so caught up in finding the perfect recipe that my son woke up from his nap before I even started cooking. Oh well, leftover chili for me and the hubs!

  14. Loved all these ideas...especially the Burlap Monogrammed Wreath! I feel like my house decor has been put on the back burner with a newborn too. Having a baby consumes your life in a good way! Colt and Houston are so close in age...we have that same Halloween shirt for Colt to wear:) Houston is adorable!

  15. love love love all the fall ideas. Love the candy corn poms! I saw that sweet Walker over on Ashley's blog and Stuart and I have been thinking about trying it... You think we could get both of ours in the same pumpkin??

  16. He looks soooo serious. And he is. Seriously CUTE!!! Love the pumpkin idea...precious.

  17. I love the last picture!
    We're attempting the baby in the pumpkin picture this week!

  18. OMG the little one is so cute!! Love the gorgeous modge podge pumpkin and the cinnamon candles ideas :)

  19. Hi Stephanie, What a darling blog! Thanks so much for featuring my Mod Podge pumpkins. I'm honored! And I love the other ideas you've included as well. Candy corn onsie?! Brilliant!

    Warmly, Michelle

  20. Although there's no baby in my life, I feel like I always find the best ideas days before the holiday leaving no time to make it happen. I love the idea of pinning and posting favorite ideas for the next holiday. Genius!

    Hope you are enjoying your time with baby Houston!

  21. I love all these ideas! Super cute picture at the end!!

  22. I love using pinterest for logging all the ideas of things I want to do and can't at the moment!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)