Sunday, August 21, 2011

39 weeks of belly love!


We have, amazingly, reached 39 weeks! And even though I know the end is in sight, it doesn't feel like it in the least. While everyone around me has had their babies and I drool over pictures of their precious chubby cheeks and tiny toes on their mom's Facebook accounts, it doesn't feel real that I will ever be in their position.

As of my last doctor appointment on Tuesday, I was barely 1 cm dilated. No signs of labor whatsoever. Several people have told me that you will feel a surge of energy just before labor begins... I'm aware this is just a old wives' tale and not everyone experiences this, but I am beyond sleepy lately {not tired, sleepy} and I have no urges to nest whatsoever. The old wives' would say I'm no where close to giving birth to this child.
I am stilll working at this point, but only 24 hours total a week. The cut-back in hours has been a major relief to me. My one pet peeve at work lately has been the question.

"When are you due?"

When I answer, they act all surprise, continue with the questions and absolutely will not move on to the point of why they have walked up to my counter. All in the middle of a busy day with more customers piling up in line behind them and lots of prescriptions waiting for me back at my computer.

While I use to long for someone to ask me when I was due, I now dread it. I sometimes wish I could camoflauge the bump... but only at work. Ask me the same question at the grocery store and I'll positively light up. Ask me at the pharmacy and I'll give you the fakest smile I can muster =)

Hormonal much, Stephanie?

Here we are, 39 weeks and the first bump pic we've taken in the nursery... possibly the last?

Doubt it!


No stretch marks!

Thanks for the great skin genetics, momma =)


Do you spy with your little eye the puppy hiding in the carpet?

He loves this rug more than we do!


After posting the pics of the nursery, so many people had questions on where I got {fill in the blank}and asking me to break it all down for them that I'll hopefully be posting those details tomorrow.

Thank you for all the love you all showed me for our little room for our little love bug. I was floored by your sweetness {but not surprised, because y'all are always crazy sweet!}

Have a great start to a great week!


  1. It won't be long. I know 24 hours is still so hard on you...hang in there. You look great! Can't wait to see pics of your prince's chubby cheeks and tiny toes! It will be one of the best days of your life!
    Praying all goes smooth! Get some rest!

  2. You look awesome!! No stretchmarks!? So cool! I have the battle scars but they're barely noticeable now and hubby says I can still rock a bikini. ;)

    I bet that would be annoying everyone asking you when you're due at work. Its funny, its like....when you're pregnant or have a baby with you, everyone around you all of a sudden become so friendly...almost too friendly at times. I once had this lady practically follow me around in the grocery store with my baby cooing and talking to him the whole time. It was sorta weird!

    Blessings to will all come quicker than you imagine. :)


  3. No stretch marks. I won't trade for your feet ;)

  4. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I'm 39 weeks with my little boy on Tuesday and, as of last week, I too was barely a centimeter and hardly dilated. I am jealous that you've cut back on work. I'm still working full time, but at least I can sit instead of standing like you. Best of luck in the coming days. You and your nursery are gorgeous!

  5. You are looking great! I'm already tired of the questions and I'm only 27 weeks ha! Can't imagine I'll still be as cheery as you at 39.

  6. Happy due date week! I feel your sleepiness :) Last week I felt like my baby could arrive any day, but now, at almost 38 weeks, I feel like nothing is going on and I still have quite a while to go. Oh well, baby has to come out soon-ish, right??

  7. That is quite possibly the loveliest nurseries I have ever seen. It took my breath away, I love it.

    And you?

    Hands down the most gorgeous pregnant lady out there.

    No stretch marks! Yay! I made it through without any as well, and it's something we just have to thank our moms for :)

    any day now!

  8. Don't worry. I wasn't even a cm dilated at my last appt which was on a Monday. I went into labor that Wednesday (and was STILL only a cm after all the excrutiating contractions I was having!). There is hope!! (I didn't believe anyone who told me that she might come even though I was only a cm either so if you think I am crazy, I understand lol)

  9. hang in there girl! it is the hardest thing!! I remember telling jesse at 39 weeks with gray, "I just want to hold my baby!!!" once he is here it all melts away! pamper yourself this week!!!

  10. You look stunning.

    I am not so sure it is an old wives tale. I was extremely sleepy (and dizzy) the last several days before giving birth. However, the day I went into labor I helped paint the outside of a house in 85+ degree weather. Unfortunately, I was 10 days late.

  11. I was in your position with my first. I was induced at 40 weeks 5 days. My doctor would have let me go a few more days too, but she was on call at the hospital the entire weekend, so we opted to do it then. I hated the waiting game! It will be here before you know it and enjoy these last few minutes, hours, or days (hopefully not) of being pregnant because it is something you can never get back :)!

  12. Oh my word, you look great! Seriously! I cannot believe you are just about crossing the finish line...where does time go? You are SO fortunate not to have any stretchies...I've had a crop pop up on the bottom of my tummy in the past week and I am so not happy about it. I just keep telling myself she is fastly outgrowing her little temporary home and it makes me feel better. I can't wait to see the nursery breakdown post!

  13. I didn't have a surge of energy at all! I couldn't leave the couch the day I went into labor... It was the laziest day of my pregnancy! You look fantastic and the nursery is amazing.

  14. Steph, I normally don't comment on your blog....I just blog stalk you :) I could not let this post go without a comment though. You look AMAZING!!!! I can not wait to meet this little man. Love you! - Danielle

  15. Yayy! I am so excited that you doing a post telling us where you found all your nursery goodies!! Can't wait:):)

  16. Adorable baby bump! And no stretch marks??!! Impressive! I cannot believe you are already 39 weeks! Praying Houston makes his precious arrival sooner rather than later. :)

  17. Even at my 39 week appointment I had made NO progress at all...not even a centimeter :) And the day before my due date I went into labor!!! At the time I didn't remember a surge of energy, but looking back I realize that my nesting manifested in the fact that I wanted to cook new, elaborate recipes and vacuum every square inch of the house...even if I was exhausted. Get lots of sleep and good luck :)

  18. I can't get over how great you look!!! So exciting that it is due date week! YAY!!

  19. You look so great and I bet it is so hard to believe that THE WEEK is finally here! He will come when the time is right, hang in there!

  20. No stretch marks is awesome!! I got 3 very small ones that aren't even noticeable the LAST week of my pregnancy. Ugh. I guess that's what laser surgery is for. :) I can't wait to meet this little boy... and Samuel can't wait either.

  21. You look fantastic! I love the nursery, it's absolutely adorable. He will be here before you know it!

  22. You are one of the most gorgeous pregnant ladie si've ever seen! The nursery is adorable too!

  23. You are so stinking cute! We are finally pregnant (3 months actually) after 16 months of trying. What did you use on your belly to get no stretch marks? I'm using Bio-Oil and some Cocoa Butter stuff. I just hope it works!
    Good luck with everything coming up!! Ohh and love the nursery!

  24. You look fab Momma, and the nursery is adorable! Glad you are still feeling good :)

  25. You look so pretty! love your doggie.

    Kimberly's Korner

  26. You are simply glowing and what an exciting time! So pretty!

    Liesl :)

  27. You are just cute as a button pregnant :) He will be here soon and knows exactly when it is time. In the meantime, rest up and enjoy these last few days as your life will be changing forever very soon. I'm excited for you and can't wait to see your handsome little prince :)

  28. aww you look great! no stretch marks?! lucky you!

  29. You look amazing and his nursery is just fabulous!!

  30. Just wanted to send you a little note to tell you I prayed for you and your little one yesterday and today! I hope you're doing okay and hanging in there!

    God bless,

    P.S. would love it if you wanted to visit my blog sometime. It's :) (no strings attached though of course!)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)