Wednesday, July 06, 2011

33 weeks and a GREAT start to July!


I won’t technically be 33 weeks till Friday, but since I’m usually about 5 days late on the belly posts, what’s a day early for once?

33 wks


At 33 weeks, things are just starting to get serious around here… seriously exciting. We’ve even started child birth classes which have made this whole thing feel very real. While there hasn’t been much progress on the nursery since I posted this picture



…I am feeling a lot more clear headed {as of just today} about what direction we’re going in with this sweet little room and feeling inspired again. That being said, I’ve made quite a long list of things to shop/search for but don’t find it too daunting as L-O-V-E cyber shopping. Getting out and actually walking through stores? Not so enjoyable for me pre-pregnancy and made even less enjoyable at 33 weeks.


But BOY do I enjoy curling up on the couch with a computer and a credit card =)


{P.S. Several of you asked about where I found the crib when I posted this picture. We are so lucky to have friends who are loaning us this crib. The warranty card says it is “Legacy” brand and has a website of though I haven’t been able to find this specific crib on the web to link you to. The friend loaning it to us use to own her own children’s store and ordered it back then. Just wait till you see the GORGEOUS wood carved heirloom bassinet she’s letting us borrow as well – you will melt. Again ~ we are so blessed!}


My extra awesome hubby decided to take matters into his own hands last night to iron the crib skirt and put the bedding together since I finally bought a mattress. I didn’t really realize this until he finished, but it literally is perfect. I love the colors and fabrics more now then when I picked it out! This was definitely the kick that got me inspired again.


Did I mention how wonderful my husband is?!


As for 33 weeks updates, there’s not much that has changed, especially when it comes to weight! While I can tell he’s getting bigger in there, taking up more room and people keep commenting on how fast my belly has been growing lately, I haven’t gained a pound in a month - weird. No complaints on that front!

Symptoms: I’ve developed the slightest case of heartburn lately – not that it actually “burns” but just feels like it’s coming back up and just sitting in my throat. Lovely, I know, but it’s really not bad in the least, just a tad annoying. I’m still sleeping like a rock {Praise God!} and getting around fairly decent – I already got in an hour walk with the dog this morning and he’s the one tuckered out snoozing in my lap now as I type. The swelling in my hands and feet is getting worse with each week, making work a little miserable and bending over truly sucks BIG TIME but I still feel I have been crazy lucky and have breezed through this pregnancy thus far.


Plus or minus 7 weeks to go – I can do it!!




Thanks to my great sister and brother-in-law, we got to enjoy this past 4th of July weekend on their boat with a visit from my parents. Even Hendrix got to tag along!


Baby boy took his first ever swim ~ he was a natural.

{It was amazing to see his little legs start dog paddling in the air before he ever hit the water for the first time.♥ How do they just know what to do?!}



Our family picture on the shore we all swam up to together. Enjoy the only {far away} picture of this preggo in a swim suit!



Nick and Dad chillaxin’.



Lots of fun tubing for Mom, Dad, and Nick. I can’t wait to get back in on the fun next summer!



lake 2



  1. You look amazing, as always! :)

  2. You look great!!! Looks like you all had a great weekend too! Cute picture of the fam!

  3. Ahhh you look so good! Love the pictures....can't WAIT to see the nursery!!

  4. You look so great! And what a fun weekend at the lake...I'm definitely missing the tubing adventures this summer as well!

  5. 33 weeks, wow!! Its flying by!!!
    You look awesome!!!! I love that crib, how awesome a friend let you borrow! I can't wait to see the final nursery!!

  6. Your belly bump is so cute! I can't wait to see the crib all set up. It is beautiful!

  7. You're so darn cute, I almost can't stand it! ;) Lookin' great, mama!

  8. Aw you look so cute pregnant! Lucky girl, you have only gained in your tummy! I can't wait to see the crib and room all put together!

  9. Fun times, indeed. That crib is awesomness.

    Love, meli

  10. You look great!! Congrats on being so close - he'll be here before you know it! :)

  11. Gosh you look so good! I can't wait to see the nursery all finished!

  12. Your belly is so darn cute! Getting close to the finish line...I know you're ready!

  13. I love that crib! So cute :)

    I found your blog while blog hopping, and am enjoying reading about your soon-to-be family of three! :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)