Saturday, April 30, 2011

We’re baaaaaaa-aaaaack!


We’ve been gone all week on a fabulous “baby-moon” to bright and sparkly Las Vegas…. and we’ve had a blast.

{Don’t you love the sneakiness with the few “scheduled” posts I had pop up….. ahhhh, tricky tricky!}



We got home last night around 10:30, haven’t unpacked the first thing and are about to embark on a crazy {but exciting} weekend. Besides the normal cleaning and laundry that needs to be done before Monday rolls around and I drag myself back to work again… we’re REGISTERING for BABY this weekend!

I am currently feeling clueless as to what we will need.

It can’t be that hard..



{Did I ever mention that I had a near nervous breakdown registering for our wedding? I wish I was joking…}



Yes, registering for gifts people will buy you – apparently is terrifying to me… or possibly it was the fact that I was in the hardest block of pharmacy school at that moment and our wedding was quickly approaching and my life felt completely out of my control and I was being asked to make decisions that included bath towel colors and different types of salt and pepper shakers.

How dare someone ask me to choose the gift I would like them to spend their hard earned money on for my enjoyment?!!?!

{You’re sensing the sarcasm here, right?}



So at least that stress and hectic moment in life is not the case this time around while we attempt to register for baby…




This time around, work is driving me crazy to the point of mental exhaustion and my baby’s due date {and baby shower!} is quickly approaching.

Isn’t life funny like that?


Life completely out of my control again – CHECK!

Grown-up realization that life will never be in my control and still trying to learn to go with the flow – CHECK!

Attempting to eliminate the word stressed from my vocabulary and remember how ridiculously blessed I am at all times and that life IS unfair, as in, life seems to always be UNFAIRLY tipped in my favor and everything I have that is good I will never deserve – CHECK!

Fantastic! Now that my mental priorities are in check for the moment, {blogging is most definitely my therapy}, I will skip off into the sunset, hand in hand with my hubby, picking out diaper pales and bumbo seats.


And should you have any recommendations for me on the baby registering front, I will EAT THEM UP!


Hello, my name is Stephanie and I am a clueless mother-to-be!

{Though I’m slowly feeling better about my cluelessness as I simultaneously catch up on the “Pregnant in Heels” episode I missed this week and watch a woman who has never ever EVER held a baby before prepare for hers in less than a week. I ♥ TV for making me feel better about myself!}


My biggest concerns that I meant to research long ago and would love to hear your opinions on… car seats and strollers. I hear they’re pretty important, no?


A full Vegas vacation review in the works as well as one AWESOME giveaway coming on Monday.


Happy weekend, all!


  1. Good luck registering! It overwhelmed me a ton! As far as car seats go I had gotten rave reviews about the chicco and after testing a few out we decided to splurge and that the chicco travel system. I really think it comes down to how it feels to you and of course safety reviews. Have fun!

  2. Get the quinny stroller!! So stylish and can be a jogger!

  3. Awww good luck with the registry! This will be such an exciting time for you!

  4. the angelcare movement monitor brings so much peace of mind! my numb 1 must have. combo strollers are very lightweight. register for the big boy carseat as well bc they outgrow the infant seat quickly

  5. A Boppy, A big boy car seat- they grow soooo fast ( we love our Britax), an extra car seat base for whichever system you go with ( we love our Chicco) so that you have one in each car- it makes life sooo much easier. My suggestion while you are registering is to pick up a copy of Babywise. Great read and worked for us and our little guy. He slept great. I will be reading it again soon before the twins arrive! Hope you have a panic attack free day!!

  6. so awesome that you two got to enjoy a nice vacation together before baby!! Great idea! I honestly used the babies R Us registry guide as my list and then just registered for the various things at different places. IT made things so much easier to use their really awesome list and just make slight modifications. We did a Graaco travel system for when she was little and it was GREAT! Then we transitioned to a big girl car seat and stroller and that is all we have needed. Good luck!! So fun!

  7. We just registered on Thursday at Babies R Us and Target. I went into it completely CLUELESS but it was so much fun! Our first big purchase was a Britax Ready B stroller and Britax carseat that we bought ourselves (they were having a GREAT sale at the time). Good luck and HAVE FUN!

  8. My daughter is almost 8 months so all the baby stuff is still fresh in my mind! I loved the swaddle designs blankets (they are huge and I use them now as a regular blanket for her) and the halo sleep sacks with the swaddle built in were awesome because she couldn't escape until she was 4 months or so. I'm really long waisted so the boppy was terrible for me - I preferred the my brest friend. It was great! The other must have for us is a video monitor. LOVE it. Oh and a good jogging stroller (we have a BOB) is great because it is sooo much lighter.

  9. I got the Chicco 30 fit combo. it has the best ratings and I love the carseat and the stroller. It has the comfy newborn insert and it also has the extremely handy pull button and release button. I highyly recommend!

  10. Get a Keyfit30 Chicco car seat for sure! I got the travel package with the stroller and I love both of them. I had a big baby so we're graduating to a Britax now but in all my research for a new car seat, the ONE con I found about the Chicco was that it spoils you for all other car seats. Seriously, get the Chicco! (and go for the 30 lb one!)

  11. OH and also, we loved the Halo swaddle sleep sacks (get the fleece ones) and then the Halo sleep sacks. they are the best!

  12. Car seats/strollers: In my opinion, you just can't go wrong with Graco.

    Bottles, cups, etc. We have had lots o' luck with Avent, but really you just have to buy one of every brand and try them out.

    In case you're on the fence...go all the way and get the video baby monitor. Best $$$ I ever spent!

    When we registered, we just grabbed a sales associate and monopolized her for our entire experience. I'd advise doing the same! :)

  13. One more thing--you're totally not alone on being stressed about registering. I was a wreck! Just remember--your decisions are ABSOLUTELY not permanent. If you get something and it just doesn't work it's not the end of the world. That's the great thing about living where we do--we're close to shopping and the internet is open all night! (Even after those late night feedings.)


  14. We love our BOB stroller.
    If you are planning on doing any babywearing or even just want an occassional carrier for the baby, the Ergobaby is a must have. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
    We had a Graco infant seat, which we liked just fine. But I agree that you should register for a big boy seat too. Our little guy was out of his infant seat around 6-7 months. Of course it depends on the weight limit of your infant seat as well (ours was only a 20 pound limit). When picking out a big boy car seat, get one that can rear face as long as possible. It's important to keep your kiddos rear-facing as long as the carseat allows (at least until age 2).
    We never had a video monitor, but would have loved one!

    -Lindsey (ps, I am also expecting a little boy in August. :) We are still struggling with a name though. I LOVE Houston! Very nice.)

  15. I haven't registered yet, but my research has lead me to determine that the Chicco travel system is good for car seat and stroller. I also plan to get a jogging stroller, but don't know which.

  16. BOB stroller.'Nuff said.(make sure you buy the BOB carseat adapter...certain brnads(like graco and peg perego) will adapt with the adapter kit for the BOB. Then you only need the one stroller. No need to mess with a regular travel system!!) Oh, and Britax for car seat after he outgrows infant carrier carseat. Have fun!!

  17. LOVING your blog!! So glad I found it. Hope you have fun registering for baby! think of it as a treat and not a chore. Deep breaths, no breakdowns!


  18. I've never commented before but LOVE reading your posts, congrats on baby boy!

    My daughter is 22 months old and I would say the best things we've owned have been our Chicco travel system, Avent bottles, Gerber Nuk pacifiers (they are the best!) and the most important item you will ever own, a BOPPY! I swear that thing was my very best friend from day one. Whether you are breastfeeding, sitting baby up or even tummy time, it is essential. Be sure to register for an extra cover so when baby spits up you can throw one in the wash and still have an extra. Good luck registering!

  19. Good luck registering! A few things I couldn't live without: the Bumbo, Angel Care monitor, & Graco carseat/stroller combo.

    Have fun!

  20. It took me FOREVER to pick out our stroller and carseat. My Mom teased me that I spent more time picking out the travel system than I did our house. There's so many options but we ended up going with the Chicco Cortina travel system. I like it so far but since the baby is not here yet I haven't been able to actually test it out. :)

  21. I think I cried when we go to the bathtub section - it's just sooo overwhelming. And that's okay! Just scan stuff you like, the store will give you a list of things you "need" (which is totally overkill). And, you can always update later when you get home. I'm 35 weeks along now and I'm still adding stuff to my registry just so I don't forget to pick it up at one point (or any last minute gift givers, of course haha)

    We went with the Chicco Keyfit 30 carseat as well since it had such great reviews. We didn't get the matching stroller since I wanted something light/small (we both have small cars)so we just got the snap & go for now. I figure by the time the kid grows out of the car seat/will want to sit up and look around it'll be winter and we won't be using it as much anyway. I'll worry about a bigger stroller next summer.

  22. Being clueless is normal. You learn quick. Some of things you register for you'll hate and try a different kind/brand. It's all part of the trial and error learning process. Some things I though I'd love I never used an things I never even thought of I can't live without. You'll do great!!

    I have a greaco stroller and infant seat. I got a baby trend three wheel stroller, it fits my graeco infant carrier. My big boy car seat is safety first.

    My best mom items: triple paste, JJ Cole bibs and burp cloths, carters folded socks for infants, play mat, Sophie teether, born free bottles, oioi diaper bag (love mine), thermal receiving blankets (they are stretchy and stay together better), Hanna Anderson sleepers (they are worth every penny and it's all we use).

  23. I purchased a 'Travel System' by Safety 1st at KMart for 150.00. It had great storage underneath and it had 2 cupholders, and a pocket enclosure for my keys. Safety features were great, and the car seat is absolutely wonderful! :) Easy to adjust straps too. Now that my lil dude is 7 months old, and I have an almost 4 year old...I sold my travel system stroller at a thrift shop, kept the car seat but bought a 'Sit 'N Stand' stroller online at ToysRUs. Because, it holds most standard car seats, AND can hold my older child while he sits OR stands on the seat with harnasses for both children. ;) I love it! I also had to have a Boppy Pillow for breastfeeding...and Avent BPA free bottles are simply the BEST! Also, get the sterilizer that you can pop in the microwave for like 4 is amazing! because my dishwasher left nasty residue on the I hand wash now and then sterilize every few days. ;) Bibs and burp cloths. And lots of 'em. You'll use them even more when they are 6 months old and up! Rocking chair. A MUST! RaZ baby teether pacifier. Boppy Bouncer seat (great for newborn - 25lbs). Bassinett - not necessary, but nice if you have a crib in the nursery, but want him/her close to you so you don't have to get up all the time in the night. Footed Sleepers. Your best friend, m'dear! Hmm...I'm sure there is lots more...but that is what popped in my head first. lol.

  24. Okay, I have 3 little girls so I can completely help you out on this one. Must haves- aden+adias swaddling blankets! Baby sleeps like a charm if they are tightly swaddled in one of these.
    Cosleeper if you are breastfeeding. Boppy! Babywise book for setting up a schedule just in case you want to have a life again eventually. Oh and this is a biggie..... The Wubbanub!!! Just trust me on this one. Get at least one to try. It saves you from having to keep putting the paci back in babies mouth and is a hospital grade.
    Hope these suggestions help. They are tried and true!!! Please visit my blog at so we can share our baby adventures!!:)

  25. We have a safety 1st air car seat which we love love love! I recommend mam products except the bottles(screw on bottoms leak), the swaddle blankets that velcro, a double pump-if your breastfeeding (u loose a lot of milk with a single), papers diapers and sensitive wipes, and a grocery cart cover for later on. Hope this helps a little! Good luck and congrats!

  26. Love your blog - first time commenting! Every first time mom is clueless...but you'll figure it out...I was always the world's biggest worrywart and while I still worry, somehow my little man has made me a much calmer, relaxed person. I'm still type A, want to be in control and have everything under control, but you'll learn to pick your battles. We did the Chicco travel system (stroller and car seat). We did the Chicco Kefit 30 for the car seat, but honestly, unless you expect your son to be born weighing 15 pounds, you really only need the Kefit 22. My son is almost 20 months old and is about 26 pounds. We started using the convertible car seat facing backwards when he was around 10 months old because he was just getting to long for the infant seat. Not sure there is a price difference as it's been so long since I registered, but either one will do the job, so if price is a factor, you only need the one that holds up to 22 pounds. FYI, everyone told me the same thing when I registered and I refused to listen, so if you went with that model for up to 30 pounds, I'd have to smile and cheer you on! We now have a Britax convertible car seat that faces backwards and forwards, and i think is up to 65 pounds. We did not register for that, which was kind of silly - worth it to get someone to buy it if you know what you want when you are registering...I did a ton of research on strollers and car seats, and definitely take into consideration where you live - some strollers are better for city/urban and others for surburbia. Our stroller is very easy to open/close and is not that heavy. That was key for me since I'm a short gal! Good Luck!

  27. I have been a reader for a long time, but this is my first time posting. I have to say, I love you. You make me laugh out loud (and get weird looks from the dogs) all the time. I have a 4 month old, and I am an obsessive-compulsive product researcher. *sigh* I hate to admit it, but I even researched our pacifiers. I love Amazon, Giggle and various online forums for product reviewing. That being said, we went with the Graco SnugRide 35--partly because we decided to eschew the bulky travel system in favor of the BOB with the infant seat adapter, and at the time Graco had the highest sitting height limit that would fit on the BOB infant seat adapter. I'm 5'9" and the hubs is 6'3", so height was important to us. Now that our little one has made his arrival, I wish I had chosen a lighter weight car seat. The SnugRide 35 is a beast. And our son is a beast. Beast + Beast= Tired arms, sore backs, but really sculpted biceps. He was 11 lbs at birth, and his 4 mo appt is today, but I'm guessing he's close to 20 lbs. We will be switching him to a big boy car seat as soon as he is able to sit by himself in a shopping cart since that is the only thing stopping us from switching him now. He hasn't reached the weight limit or the height limit for the Graco, but he is completely filling it up side-to-side. He is a thick boy. (Can we say future lineman?!?) For a big boy seat we are going with the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL because it is narrower (2 adults can still comfortably fit on either side of it in the back seat), it has a metal frame rather than plastic, it has a 53" height limit, and LO can be in a 5 point harness up to 80 lbs. to wrap up this rambling post before it gets ridiculously long, we have: the BOB with adapter, Graco SnugRide 35, spare base for SnugRide (this is a lifesaver), a Graco SnugRider snap and go stroller (because it's ridiculous to expect to be able to lift the BOB in and out of the car all the time--especially if you end up with a c-section), and a Britax B-Nimble umbrella stroller for airport trips. I swore up and down before LO arrived that we didn't need more than one stroller. I was so wrong. The SnugRider frame has been amazing! I am so glad hubs made me get it.

  28. You always crack me up!!!

    I love this post, but I am with everyone else I love all your posts. I wish I were 1/2 as funny.......

    I have plenty of advice, but it looks like you got a few lines, so I won't leave you any here. However, if you have any questions shoot me an email and I would be glad to share my thoughts.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)