Sunday, November 28, 2010

thankful hearts


Nick and I had a lovely 4 day weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving.

  • We got to enjoy 2 big dinners with extended family on Thanksgiving day at my parents and my in-laws’ house.
  • Nick’s parents had a big New Orleans style shrimp boil at their house on Friday night which my parents, sister and brother-in-law all came over for {and where the boys faced off against the girls in Taboo and at which the girls DOMINATED! woot!}
  • Saturday started off with a breakfast with all the yummy country “fixins” courtesy of my mother, a little bit o’ shopping, and of course followed with lots of Thanksgiving leftovers on Saturday night. {JUST as good the second time around!}
  • Dinner out after church this morning as usual – because who wants to cook after all of that??

We have been well fed and filled with joy and laughter the entire weekend. It is such a blessing to have such a wonderful loving family and to have them all come together on any day of the year.

We are so blessed!

IMG_6190 {A few of the cousins on my dad’s side Thanksgiving day.}


I hope you all got to enjoy the holiday with family and friends and that your heart lights up as much as mine does just to be in their company!

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  1. sounds like a wonderful thanksgiving! you are adorable : )

  2. Looks like that gorgeous smile of yours runs in the family! Happy Holidays love.

  3. Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving!

  4. What a fun Thanksgiving.. And you are way too photogenic.. you kill me!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)