Sunday, November 21, 2010

NYC - The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Who knew a museum could be so fun?!

Maybe when it’s not just any museum in any city…

Maybe just when it’s the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City herself.


I am a museum geek/lover and have been to quite a few, but this was by far my favorite trip to date. The museum itself is gorgeous, not to mention the amazing collections they have inside.

My beloved Met:



When you have a man taking your picture, you must remember that he will do just that – take your picture. If you weren’t ready for the picture because you needed to make sure important gizmos were stored safely in your coat pocket before looking at the camera and smiling… well, this is what you’ll get ;)

To be fair, he did get my picture in front of the Met, which is what I asked for… details, details.




I think we were excited to be touring something from the inside instead of on the outside in the cold streets of New York.

No rushing because the cold was whipping our faces, no street signs or subway maps to interpret, just relaxed touring.

In our case: relaxation = goofy immaturity in a very nice establishment.

You can take the kids out of Kentucky, but you can’t take the Kentucky out of the kids.












I didn’t see them selling any tickets at the front door for the gun show…



Back to some sort of maturity:

I was amazed by the entire rooms transferred from mansions and castles from all over the world to the museum – furniture, chandeliers, sculptures, crownwork, ceiling and wall moldings, entire fireplaces – pictures do not do them justice.

This was definitely something new I hadn’t seen a museum do before – it was like touring the castles themselves. AMAZING!





Standing next to a piece from one of my favorite artists – Pablo Picasso!

{Side story: when choosing a name for our beloved pooch, I lobbied hard for the name Pablo. Nick vetoed and Hendrix was his name-o.}



Contemplating the amazing works of art he had seen thus far…



Nick and I both loved this one. From just a few feet away it just looked like a mess of spit-wads thrown on the wall. {classy description, I know - I should start looking into a new career as a museum curator now}



Just a little closer and you see the “spit-wads” are actually people!

I love tedious, detail oriented art!



A Jackson Pollock!

{Not tedious and detailed oriented…}



Art? Seriously, now?



I adore Andy Warhol and I adore this man standing beside an Andy Warhol.

Perhaps this should make the Christmas card this year?



Warhol, himself:



We spent several hours in the museum and didn’t make it through even a third!

AND it was the only one out of all the many wonderful museums New York has to offer that we made it to on our trip.


It’s all good though. Just more reasons to come back soon, no? ;)



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  1. Hey, I found your blog through Britney's (her post about you giving K her flu shot! ) Anyway, I have been following your NY pics. Looks like y'all had a great time! Yall are so funny in those pics! My husband and I took a trip to NY about 4 years ago and no kidding, I have a pic of my husband in the EXACT same place as your husband in the pic with the bronze bust! Don't worry, we do that type of thing at museums too. haha!

  2. Oh my goodness. You have me laughing OUT LOUD!!! And I never type that out is usually LOL!!!! Your facial and body expressions are so dead on! Hilarious...I love it so. A Christmas Card # 1...I see it coming soon!

  3. How FUN!!!! Don't you just LOVE the Met? I went all by my lonesome a few years ago and spent almost 5 hours there by myself. Seriously.

  4. Oh my gosh! I was laughing out loud looking at the impression pictures! Yall had those faces down PACT!! I'm a new followed and I am now ADDICTED to your awesome, cute, FABULOUS blog!!

  5. Just clicked over from Centsational Girl ... planning a trip to NYC in Sept for a conference for my husband. I'll have lots of time on my hands and the Met is a must-see. Loved your impressions!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)