Tuesday, October 26, 2010

mums the word


It’s no secret our landscaping is lacking.

A few bushes thrown here and there and a few flowers popping up in the spring… That pretty much wraps it up in a nutshell.

Put it this way: there’s not a soul slowing down to check out the Roberts’ foliage. That’s for danged sure.

But Nick and I did happen to bring home some mums the other day, which I risked my life for by sitting in the cargo area to protect them from falling over and damaging their gorgeous blooms.

{The backseat was full with the purple mums…}


Okay. So the garden center is only a half mile from our house.

This lady doesn’t drive without a seatbelt – thus, it was, life risking.

I love the pop of color they’ve added to our dessert front yard and the little time it took to plant them!


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I didn’t want the neighbors to get too jealous of our now, overly manicured landscaping, so I uglied it up a bit.

Meet my only outdoor Halloween decoration, Mr. Jazzy.

He sort of looks like he’s always saying “Wuzzup?!” to the neighbors, doesn’t he?



I’m such an over achiever in the decorating department, I know.


What’s scarier than Mr. Jazzy up there?

Nick and I got to ride out a tornado warning in the basement today while watching Paranormal Activity.

Seeing that my nerves are already shot being smack dab in the middle of a 64 hour work week, it wasn’t the smartest decision to make on my one day off.

Can’t wait for the upcoming 3 day weekend of Halloween mischief!

***And once it’s over – is anyone else contemplating throwing up some Christmas decorations in early November??? =) I toying with the idea still…

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  1. wasn't that weather so scary today!! i live in louisville and we had crazy tornados touching down all over the place! glad we're all safe! xo

  2. Wow! I love the color!! I wish our mums looked like that here in Canada, and maybe I can get them like that, but shopping in the wrong area, but ours are orange, yellow, purple and burgandy for the most part! LOVE the PINK!!

  3. Those flowers are beautiful!!!! The purple/magenta color with the yellow goes so well together. And Mr. Jazzy is pretty rad...

    I'm a new follower...and I LOVE reading your blog!

  4. I love the mums. Absolutely gorgeous.

    I also think this is the first time that I've commented, even though I've been a follower for quite some time.

  5. Gorgeous flowers, and I love the new hair-do! I cannot wait to start decorating for Christmas pretty sure I will start before Thanksgiving :)

  6. Love love love your mums! I think I need to buy some now:) And Mr. Jazzy....he is totally saying "waaaaazup?!" So funny:)
    One more thing...I love your shorter hair!

  7. I just laughed at Mr. Jazzy, too cute! Your mums are absolutely beautiful!

  8. your mums are sooo pretty :) and mr jazzy def puts a nice touch on your landscape! too cute! hope you have a good day!!

  9. Love the mums! Looks like you risked your life for a beautiful cause.
    Mr. Jazzy is cracking me up...haha!

  10. Pretty mums! Love the yellow and purple together! We planted ours last year and they tripled in size!

  11. Those look gorgeous! Mr. Jazzy cracks me up.

  12. Those mums are beautiful and HUGE! Those were definitely worth risking your life for. Hee-hee! ;-) Mr. Jazzy is awesome! I'm soooo loving your hair!

  13. The mums look gorgeous :) Love them! And that is such a pretty picture of you!! :)

  14. Your mums are GORGEOUS!! They look so much better than mine. I was trying so hard to keep them alive this year. I'll be lucky if they make it to Halloween. I'm ready for Christmas decorating too. Especially, since I'll be at Disney for a week that I won't be able to enjoy it!

  15. One of the best things about mums is that they come back every year too. I did a post about mine (with the same title, actually) earlier this month. :)

    I LOVE the fountain you have in your landscaping. Very nice!

  16. A) I love your landscaping AND decorations!
    B) I'm so glad you were okay after that harrowing ride in the back of the car.
    C) Love Mr. Jazzy! (And your blog!)

  17. Those are beautiful, love the colors!

  18. The flowers are gorgeous! I love that pop of color that mums add in the fall. Your birdbath is beautiful, also! And I love Mr. Jazzy - he looks very chill and laidback. :)

  19. Love Mr. Jazzy :)

    These storms have almost destroyed my one little pot of mums :(, the poor things look mangled!

    As soon as one holiday is over, I like to decorate for the next. I like to have my fall decor out for as long as possible, and same for Christmas stuff, so I get it all out asap!

  20. I'm thinking of planting some mums if I can ever get to it this year. Our landscaping was a bit OVERdone by our home's previous owners, and we have done NOTHING to it since we moved in...a year ago. Can you imagine the mess we have??? One thing I love about mums is their hardiness & their return-ability. I need all the help I can get!

    I'm also thinking about planting some bulbs this fall so I can have tulips & daffodils in the spring. Probably a blog post coming on that because I've never taken on such an ambitious gardening task.

  21. I might have already started listening to Christmas music...not regularly...but I've listened...

  22. Oh good God you are a brave woman! That movie is terrible...it makes me almost sick to my stomach...although I am a tad bit of a suck.

    Love the mums, they look great!

  23. Love the burst of color! And since I missed the Halloween and fall decorations at our house (a new baby will do that to you), I was actually thinking of getting the Christmas decorations out - slowly!

  24. Oh man I can't wait to get our Christmas decorations up!

  25. the yard looks great and i love mr. jazzy! my mom always starts with her Christmas decor in early november. the trick is to start decorating inside and then by the time you reach the outside (depending on how much you decorate) you can put it up without anyone judging you :)

  26. Those flowers look amazing! :)
    It makes your front yard look super fantastic! And Wow Mr. Jazzy is pretty darn scary!


  27. They are gorgeous! I love the purple ones and they look great around your beautiful fountain!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I love your mums...I have one called Raquel Red and I love how dark and pretty it is.

    Christmas music starts playing in our home on November 1st and the decorations are always being put up beginning the second week of November. The holidays are too busy for us to not enjoy them for awhile.

  30. Hi I'm a brand new follower :)

    Your mums look absolutely gorgeous!!! I have mum envy now!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)