Monday, October 18, 2010

locks of love


11 inches gone!



and for a great cause =)

I may have literally gagged while Justin was cutting off this ponytail, but I haven’t regretted it a second since.

and this was waaaaaay back on October 5th – I haven’t been sharing much lately have I?


{If you live near Lexington and are looking for a fabulous stylist – Allure Spa, ask for Justin. You’ll thank me later =)}


I think I may be a short hair convert now!!

I feel “polished”, like I may have an actual “style” instead of the long mess I’ve been sporting for years. Or, as my friend Ashley called it, very “pharmacistish” =)


It even looks half-way decent if I have to go to a THIRD day without a wash.

Holy cow.

I use to wash my hair everyday when it was long and there are few things I hate more than a hair dryer – the heat, the noise, the dizziness from flipping my head over.

I’m loving it. I do miss my ponytail when it’s time for a face wash, but other than that, I only threw it in a ponytail when it was grimy… by the end of the DAY!


Later that same week, I posted this photo of my experimental, curly mop I went crazy on with a mini curling iron on Facebook with the caption:

“Little Orphan Annie came to visit today! 20 years later, grown up, married, working as a pharmacist, has a sweet little fur child. Seems like it's not such a "hard knocked life" for the girl anymore. Just wish she could find a new hair style after 26 years...”



I’ll have to reattempt the Christina Applegate look I was going for after it gets a little longer:

…and I get a little wilder ;)

{I searched for a good picture of her to show you the look I want – I couldn’t believe this little montage was perfect to show it from different angles AND to keep it entertaining!}


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  1. WoW! You look great! I LOVE this new style and you are defiantly rockin' it girl.

  2. It seriously looks SO darling! I love Christina's hair in that show too.

  3. you look ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I too am a short hair convert, and loved taking all the dead weight off and sporting an actual style, like you said. But seriously, you are ROCKING the short hair babe, just gorgeous!!

  4. Love the new hair!!! One day, I too will be a short hair gal! If I ever get the nerve!! lol

  5. Once you go short, you'll never go back! When I decided to grow mine out for the sole purpose of Locks of Love, I told my hairdresser I would need LOTS of cheerleading...and I did! But I'm so glad I did it, and the short hair is so much more baby friendly!

  6. YAY I love your hair! You look amazing, and you did it for a great cause! :)

  7. i love it! you can totally rock that!

  8. OMG I love it! Love love love it!!

  9. You look beautiful!!! I love it! Very sophisticated and makes your neck look really elegant, lol! :)

  10. Your hair looks fabulous!!!!! What a gift! It really sets off your face and your beautiful eyes! I think the curls are adorable. To get the Christina Applegate look, use a big iron and don't actually use the clip part of it! Take the strand of hair, wrap it around and don't go all the way to the root or all the way to the end of the hair. I know this sounds weird, but it works! You could even Youtube "soft curls" or something like that to show you. I think the curls are gorgeous and the first picture is just stunning! You could have no hair and still be beautiful!

  11. it looks fabulous! i love having short hair but then i always miss my long hair too : ) Short is so much easier though!!

  12. I love it!!!!!
    But, you know I do love short hair! ha
    You look amazing.

  13. OMG I LOVE it!!!! I have the tendency of growing my hair out (way out) and then chopping it! Well I actually LOVE having in short and have been keeping it this way for almost a year hairdresser doesn't know what to do with me HA!

    I want to cut mine as short as yours ...but I'm not quite there yet :) Soon I'm sure though!

  14. You look so cute! I love your new haircut!
    I love the color of your hair too.
    Have a great week!
    Take care,

  15. Oh oh oh! Your hair looks awesome! :D

  16. I love that style on you, and for such a great cause! The curls are cute as well!

  17. This cut is amazing on you!! I wanted to chop my locks off also, but have yet to find a stylist who speaks english here in Czech Republic! Ugh.. Again, love the new hair :)

  18. Girl, you make me want to go cut all my hair off!! I LOVE IT!!! You would be beautiful bald, but it looks fantastic!!!!!!!

  19. You are so cute! I think your hair looks wonderful. I keep saying I am going to get mine cut, but I haven't found a stylist here in Tampa that I like well enough. Plus, mine hair lives in a ponytail

  20. Awwwww! I absolutely LOVE your hair! And it's for such a great cause! I cut my hair into a bob about 2 years and I miss it so much! It's so much easier to style and there is something about short hair that is always so sleek and sexy. You go girl!

  21. Absolutely love the new cut!

  22. Love Love LOVE it! It looks great on you! :) I wish I had the *cough* to cut my hair! :)

  23. I love it! You are so pretty that you can rock either look but this one does look a bit more sophisticated. And I'm definitely all in favor of any hair style that will last longer than 24 hours!!

  24. Your hair looks amazing! I love it!!

  25. I love your new do!! The bangs are adorable!! I wish I were that brave!! :)

  26. I LOVE it lady! Although I think your sweet and gorgeous face could pull off any look. And the curls. Yes ma'am!!! I am digging it...

  27. I think you look great! It looks sooooo good on you!

  28. Your hair looks fantastic!! And for such a good cause!!

  29. I LOVE your hair! I also have the tendency to grow my hair out and then chop 10 or 12 inches off for locks of love! I've done it twice and never regret that wonderful feeling! :)

  30. Come check out MINE!! I did the same thing...but was unable to donate :( But I totally hear feels soooo good!! That gross ponytail was so damaged...and now I have a real STYLE!! You look great :)

  31. Stephanie,

    Justin does my hair too! He is awesome! He last cut my hair on October 7th and said that earlier in the week he had cut a girls hair up to her chin! I bet he was talking about you! Small world. It looks great!

    Anne Sydney

  32. The new look/hairdo is adorable on you.

  33. You look great with short hair! What a great reason to cut it too :)

  34. It looks gorgeous and it was so sweet of you to support such a great cause!

  35. I LOVE the new do!!! It looks fabulous - you certainly can rock short hair!

  36. Um, I absolutely love LOVE your hair!! It looks gorgeous!!! I may just bring in your picture as an example next time I go in:)

  37. It looks great and it's so much easier to style!


  38. LOVE it!!! I am partial to short hair!

  39. I just found your blog and it's adorable! I love it! I'll be coming back.

  40. so cute! i love it! :)
    what a darling bloggy too!

  41. Gorgeous! I love it. You look so sophisticated.

    I've always wanted to do that (donate to lock of love) but I'm scared to look like a kid afterwards (short hair has always made me look younger)

    Is that horrible of me?! Maybe one day! :)

  42. your hair looks awesome! i know how it feels to finally chop it off. unfortunately, i have been trying to grow it out for a while now ... just to see if i like it. my patients is growing thin as it is hitting my shoulders and trying to relive a mary tyler moore look ... which i hate! patience is a virtue :)


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)