Tuesday, July 06, 2010

giveaway winners!


Get ready for the cheesy pictures we took as soon as I got home from work tonight and realized it was the BIG DAY ;)



the crystal fruit bowl full of prospective winners’ comments.

{queue angel chorus}


The time has come for 4 to be chosen…



“Hey, hey, hey… who do we have here???”


I’m just one girl… I can’t choose all 4 winners by myself.


Thank goodness for a helpful husband who despises having his picture taken but played along for me.

{chant it with me, guys: Happy Wife, Happy LIFE =)}


The final four!


Don’t we look so dang yippity-skippity excited for the winners? It may be 10:00 at the end of a long day – but we Roberts know how to put our game faces on!

and the winners are…

Lea Liz


Joanna Noel

The Lone Star Couple


Congrats, y’all! Shoot me an email if you won to robertslove{at}live{dot}com so I can reply with your e-gift card.


Thanks to everyone who entered =) If you didn’t win, don’t worry - we already have several more giveaways lined up for some awesome swag this month. Stay tuned!


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  1. You two are too dang cute. Congrats to the winners!

  2. What a great hubby! Laughing.....
    You guys are so darn cute!

  3. The crystal bowl is very pretty.

  4. Bummer...for me that is. I'll have to check out their sites when the makeover is complete.

  5. ya..SO excited! and congrads to all the other winners too :)

  6. I wish my hair looked as good as yours at the end of the day! Congrats to the winners!

  7. Dang! I missed a giveaway! I love your KY blue dress! My sister is looking for one in that color....have you seen any cute ones around town or do you remember where you got yours?

  8. You are so cute girl! Your husband looks as thrilled as mine is about taking photos. I'll have to stay tuned for the next giveaway (although I honestly can't remember one time I've ever won anything in my life, lol).

  9. you are gorgeous! and I love your wall color! and that little branch candle thing on your mantel!

  10. Congrats to the winners. Ya'll are sickenly cute, by the way. You are way too gorgeous and your house is perfecto!

  11. I left ya an award over at my blog!

  12. I am so excited about this! I e-mailed you.. just making sure you got it! Thanks so much!

  13. Are you still using Latisse (sp)? Your eye lashes are out of control!! I'm so jealous!!!

  14. Yay!! I just got home from vacation,what a great surprise!!!

  15. I just thought to look to see who won because I am so behind on blogs frmo a busy weekend.. but I saw my name.. YAY WOO HOO I am so excitied! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!
    Love the pics! You are just too cute!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)