Tuesday, July 27, 2010

girls just wanna have fun


After 7 straight days of working, earning very nice overtime but seeing very little life outside the pharmacy, not to mention – most importantly – abandoning this little digital diary of mine that provides a much needed outlet, this girl was ready for some fun.

I wasn’t sure if it was such a good decision to spend a full day of walking in the hot sun for all the fun when I had reached such a level of exhaustion after a week of minimum sleep. {Please tell me I’m not the only one who develops insomnia when I’m exhausted?!} But by the end of our day in the sun, I knew, it was most definitely a good great decision.

My brother-in-law, hubby and I spent Monday at King’s Island. {Our near and dear theme park in Cincinnati, Ohio.} If you haven’t been, you really should.

And for the first time, we also visited “Boomarang Bay”, the water park attached to King’s Island. It’s actually included in the price of the ticket, and for some reason we never visited, even though we’ve probably been to King’s Island at least a dozen times – we didn’t even know what we were missing out on!

Combine a hot HOT summer in Kentucky with lots of crazy, scary, awesome rides and a huge amount of water… I can only describe the day as perfection. Next summer, I may just live at the water park, it was that good. {Yes, I am 26 years old and no, I am not grown-up yet.}

I only caught a few pictures with my phone in the big park. Sadly, no pictures were taken in the water park. 10 bonus points if you can guess why :)

{Hint: it wasn’t because I detest pictures of me in my swimmies. More along the lines of avoiding the consequences of Nick’s last visit to the park with his uncle this same summer and the terrible fate his iPhone met when it exited the ride before the coaster had come to a full stop. Only this time, add water.}


We caught a rainbow on our way into the park. How could it not be a good day?

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Giant slushy in 100 degree heat? Yes, please!



This guy, the one having a hard time choosing which basketball he wanted to trade in for his first choice after winning it with his amazing b-ball skillz – that’s Nick’s brother, Chad.




We hope he had as great a time as we did – it’s his birthday tomorrow and he deserves only the best!

{I know it’s hard to pick Nick and Chad out in this photo– to help you out, they’re the two wearing sunglasses…}



Thank goodness for benadryl and a 12 hour night of sleep last night – I’m finally back in fighting shape and ready to take on the challenges of my tough day off ;) Since coming home from all the fun, I pulled a 12 hour at work yesterday and have another 12 hour tomorrow, followed by a much anticipated trip back home to the mountains to celebrate my dad’s retirement! WOO-HOO!!!

Here’s to hoping your week is as happy as mine has been already!


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  1. I LOVE to rides!!! Disney World is one of my favorite places! Looks like y'all had a great time!

  2. I love Kings Island! I don't live far from there (Dayton, Ohio). It looks like you guys had a great time. I LOVE the rainbow picture. It's so beautiful!


  3. Looks like fun! 12 hours of sleep, oh girl, I am so jealous! I am already getting up 4-5 times a night to go to the bathroom but at least right now I can almost always fall back to sleep. In a couple of weeks I will be missing large chunks of sleep at night... and not getting to replace them! But of course the baby that comes with the lack of sleep makes it all worth it. :)

  4. Wow your work schedule sounds crazy girl! I'm glad you could squeeze in some fun...that park looks really neat. I love waterparks, they make me feel like a kid again :) Cute pics <3

  5. These pictures just made me soooooo homesick for King's Island!!! Must bring hubby there sometime when we're home!

  6. Swimmies?! I call them that, too! Glad you had a fun time and I hope the mountains are fab!

  7. THAT is THE most wonderful rainbow I have ever.....wow.....**day dreaming**.....and YOU would look amazing in any swimmie, so I knew not to guess that! Ugh, about the phone though!!! Fun pics, I wish I was there...next time I come to KY...now I know! ;-) I am still a BIG kid too.

  8. Great pics girlfriend! Too funny, we have a "Kings Dominion" here in good ole Richmond, VA and we have the same tower and logo! Glad you had fun!

  9. Cuute pictures! It looks like you three had a great time! I LOVE Kings Island!!! We were supposed to go this coming Saturday but sadly do not get to go now! ; (

    I hope you get more rest girlfriend!!

  10. woohoo!!! Kings Island....sounds like fun!

  11. cute pics!! looks like tons of fun!

  12. Glad you got a break girl!! Don't over do it!

    Looks liek you had a great time at Kings Island, I haven't been there in forever!

  13. Great photos! I live probably an hour or so from King's Island but haven't been there in years. I should hit it up this summer!

  14. Never been there, but looks like a lot of fun!

  15. What a fun post. However, I must admit that it makes me miss home. I want to drive to the mountains, so badly. I may be there soon, but not soon enough.

  16. So fun! I've been following for a while, but I love your Friday Followers idea, so I have adapted and used it, to your credit! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. So glad you finally got a break from work! Water parks in the Summer are my absolute favorite! I'll take a huge water slide over a roller coaster any day :)

  18. How fun, I haven't been to Kings Island in AGES!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)