Saturday, July 17, 2010

bits and factoids


Random thoughts from yours truly. Bits and factoids that I feel the need to mention, but which don’t need a whole post devoted to just them.


Random Factoid #1: Our 2 year wedding anniversary is this Monday. We’ve already been having fun nostalgic talks of what was and what is to be. I am SO. EXCITED. FOR. OUR. FUTURE!!=)!=)=0!!

With lots of OT scheduled for me next week, we’ve decided to do some celebrating tonight. Thank goodness it worked out that this is my weekend off. {Post to come on the actual day dedicated to the one I love and the special occasion – can’t wait to go through our wedding photos again and to share a few with you.}


Random Factoid #2: I finally bought a sewing machine! The Singer Stylist:

SINGER 7258 Sewing Machine

I bought the black-out fabric to line our bedroom curtains with and plan to, one day, actually get something started. The 12 yards of fabric on one huge roll is leaning against the wall in my dining room while the new, never used sewing machine rests on the dining room table, where it has been for 2 weeks now. I hope motivation kicks me in the butt soon, I sure am tired of waking up far too early to the blaring sun in our east facing bedroom windows.


Random Factoid #3: Speaking of curtains… I can’t get our lovely drop-cloth curtains hung in the family room because I can’t find curtain rods that are at least 160 inches wide :(


Help!! That widest we can find in stores is 144 inches. We’ve been brainstorming a few options, but I’m not a true fan of any of them at the moment. Have any suggestions out there???? I would love to get these babies hung…


Random Factoid #4: I posted this Friday’s Five Featured Followers, today. I know I know – I have never been the type A personality to get things finished correctly and on time. Never will be. I hope we can still be friends.

Anyway, check out these 5 fabulous blogs, you won’t be sorry. Did you even know you can wash your hair with baking soda and cider vinegar?? I can’t wait to try this and hopefully save a few bucks on buying my beloved Big Sexy Hair products.


Random Factoid #5:

I’m taking the 7 link Challenge

Linking up to:

  • My first post

    I was utterly clueless as to what to say and it definitely shows. But I got the ball rolling and forever grateful for this decision.

  • The post I enjoyed writing the most

    I had a blast recounting our lovely 2009 together just for this post. Oh, the memories.

  • A post which had a great discussion

    I cannot believe how nice everyone was on my last post about our family room. GEEZE, I wish I could give you all a big hug! I feel so warm and fuzzy inside that you would take the time to say something nice about my attempt at decorating. THANK YOU!

  • A post on someone else’s blog that I wish I’d written

    I have been inspired by 10 different blogs every day since I stumbled upon blogworld 4 years ago. I am humbled by the talented, amazing people I get to “meet” online everyday. But if this little challenge is a “look back” – I gotta give credit to Katy – who’s blog is the very first blog I ever read – EVER. I am so thankful I found her through her sister, Kara on facebook and proceeded to stalk her =)=)=) And THAT’S how I landed on planet blog.

  • My most helpful post

    “Helpful” is used loosely here. But this post did involve pointing out other helpful people who’s helpful posts helped me redesign my blog without spending a dime. DIY, baby!!

  • A post with a title that I’m proud of

    Proud of? Not really… but when scanning through my blog post titles – this one certainly did stand out =)

  • A post that I wish more people had read

    My “aha moment” that’s lead me to enjoy the best summer of my life!



    Enough randomness for today. Off to get this crazy house a bit cleaner and a little less cluttered. I plan to be Goodwill bound with several boxes when all is said and done! Wish me luck ;)

    blog signature


    1. No clue on the curtains, except breaking them up, and good luck with the sewing machine. I have never gotten the hang of it and seem to have broken my barely used one....:(

    2. Hi, as far as a curtain rod, here are a few ideas...I've seen copper plumbers pipe used, spray painted and add a decorative knob added on the end. The other thing is pvc pipe spray painted and a decorative knob added to look like a curtain rod. Good luck on your sewing will be a lot of fun!!!

    3. Are the curtains just decorative or functional as well? I would maybe use smaller rods and break up the curtains between each window. I think I will be making the same decision when our house is finished, 3 large windows in the great room and I want one rod...may have to settle for something else. :)

      Thanks for featuring me on your stinkin' exciting....already grabbed your button! Have a great weekend. :)

    4. Congratulations on your new sewing machine! I'm so excited for you. Once you get started, you're going to be hooked and will want to sew everything.
      Happy Anniversary! May you two grow old together! ;-)
      Not sure about the curtain rod situation. The only thing I can think of is to order a custom-made rod or use three rods instead of one.
      Good luck!

    5. I was so clueless on my first few posts too. It takes awhile to figure out what you want your blog to be : )
      Thanks for featuring me and for stopping by my blog!
      Have a great anniversary celebration : )

    6. Happy Anniversary! :) Love the sewing machine with the teal on it, so cute.

    7. Here are my thoughts on the curtain rod situation since I use to do this for a living...

      It's hard to find anything over 12' long unless you special order something (expensive!). I would suggest getting 2 eight foot long poles, butt them right against each other, then use 4 brackets to secure them. It *should* work out but I'm not sure if your panels will cover the entire wall of windows or just have side panels. Some companies will sell by the foot but you are looking at $$$.

    8. Cute post.
      I got a sewing machine for Christmas 2008 and I have yet to use it. :( I really need to learn how so I am hoping you put up some helpful hints!! The featured 5 is a great idea. I love finding new blogs to read!

    9. Ive been wanting to do drop cloth curtains too! and my windows are WAY too long too...Ive looked everywhere and cant find any long enough...I guess Im going to have to just use 3 regular ones and try to place the curtains to where its not noticeable. Im so trying that hair wash thing. Hubs thinks Im crazy with the amount I spend on Big Sexy and Cat Walk to get my hair big.

    10. Thanks for the shout-out! I had no clue that I was the first blog you ever read, I am honored. :)
      Can't wait to hear about your sewing adventures... I have still yet to finish a project with mine because I am so intimidated, but that is going to change soon!
      PS - Your living room is LOVELY!

    11. Try your hardware store. I have friend and I'm almost positive her's stretch farther than 12 feet. She has wooden rods and she connected two together with a screw I believe. I know she had to use an extra support or two. I want to say she got the rods at Lowe's or Bed Bath and Beyond. They should have extender kits for most all rods. If they have nothing try your local hardware/builders supply store. A lot of times they can get you a dowl rod to the length you need for no additional cost. Otherwise you could try cable system hardware...I don't know if that is the look you are going for. Good can be really tricky.

    12. Let me know how you like your sewing machine. I think I am about ready to take the plunge!!

      I did design my blog header myself. I am finally figuring out Photoshop Elements, so I may change it several times before settling on something.

      I look forward to hearing/seeing your anniversary details. It's so fun to celebrate with the love of your life. We are soooooo blessed!!!!

      I don't know if someone mentioned this, but we found long curtain rods at Lowe's. I looked everywhere and finally found one at Lowe's.

      I look forward to next Friday when you link up to Journey of Faith. I love to hear of God's work in peoples lives.

    13. Happy Anniversary! I'm ready for a sewing machine as well and even though I have no idea how to use it, I can't wait to learn. You'll have to let us know how you like it. Yes, Lowe's has big curtain rods, we found one there as well.

    14. You have a very cute blog! I was looking at your home tour and it looks like we have the same taste in decor! I love anything with birds on it too...and the blue on your walls looks like the same color I used in my home! Hope you have a great anniversary!

    15. thanks for the shout out, gsp roomie! :) glad to know that the facebook stalking was mutual! I'm so glad we still keep in touch all these years later!! I love reading about your family and what you are up to... your blog is inspiring for sure :)

    16. Happy almost anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated our 2 years on June 14th...2008 was a great year to get married :)

    17. I just used your helpful hints to design my blog. Thanks for the tips! How did you get your signature image to center? I can't figure that one out.

    18. Happy Anniversary ( little early) Hope you and the hubby had a great time celebrating!!!!

    19. I found extra long curtain rods at Bed Bath and Beyond. They don't have them online but they sell them in the store.

    20. I got a sewing machine two Christmas' ago and I have yet to use. Of course it might help if I could thread the bobbin! Hope you have better luck than I have, maybe you can share some tips once you get it running!

    21. Happy Anniversary! Can't wait for the wedding photo recap!

    22. Oh, Stephanie, you're such a sweetheart! Thanks for your kind words about my pregnancy, and also thanks for featuring me this week! :) Congrats on your sewing machine, I can't wait to see your creations.


    I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)