Tuesday, March 02, 2010

prayers STILL needed

My grandmother came through her surgery well on Thursday and had shown promising “numbers” on her various tests and levels until yesterday. The doctors decided to take her off of the ventilator yesterday afternoon. Her kidneys went into renal failure and her breaths were extremely labored. Standing with her and holding her hand while watching her in such great pain to take each and every breath was the greatest agony I have ever experienced. T

hey have now placed her back on the ventilator, giving her a little rest from the difficult task of breathing. Her kidneys have produced a very small amount of urine and as of now, bowel sounds are absent, causing much worry. The doctors specializing in each of her area are visiting with her today to try to help her situation. She is in critical, but stable, condition at this time. We are praying for her healing, her recovery, and most importantly, her peace. Please continue to pray with us. We are hoping she can take a turn for the better just as fast as she took this turn.

Thank you so much for your very sweet comments, thoughts, and most importantly, prayers at this time.


  1. Your family will continue to be in my thoughts.

    Hang in there, I know it's tough!

  2. Oh goodness girl I'm so sorry I will continue to pray for her I'm so sorry to hear this...

  3. Your family will be in my thoughts. I am so sorry to hear this.

  4. Sending prayers your way. I know God will take care of her and heal her. :)

  5. Praying for the wisdom of her doctors and the comfort of your family. I'm so sorry you guys have to go through this right now.

  6. You, your grandmother and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers!

  7. Lifting you all up in prayer! Healing, comfort, and peace.

  8. Still thinking and praying for your grandmother.

  9. Still thinking and praying for your grandmother.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)