Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Prayer request for my grandmother



Last night I found out that the surgery my grandmother had yesterday morning to check for blockages in her heart and to evaluate a valve, turned up some disturbing news. The doctor advised her not to leave the hospital, that doing so would take her life in her own hands and that she may have a heart attack if she went home without further surgery.

My grandmother is having another surgery tomorrow, one that she thought she may get to go home and think about whether she would choose to have it. She did not plan on staying in the hospital and she did not plan on being told the information she heard yesterday. The surgery has better odds that she will make it through, but there is still a disturbingly large chance that she may not.

I am in constant prayer on her behalf right now, as well as on the behalf of my grandfather who is still at home because he is in such great pain and mostly unable to even leave the bed. We still aren’t sure if he will be able to ride the 2 hours in a car to the hospital she is in to see her before her surgery tomorrow. My heart breaks for both of them.

These are my dad’s parents and I am begging you to pray for their healing and well-being {i.e. to be pain free}. I humbly ask this of you and greatly appreciate any prayers lifted up on their behalf.



  1. Oh you can be sure I'll be lifting all of your family in my prayers. You can be sure that everything will go God's way.

  2. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I'm hopeful for you that everything will turn out just great. Best wishes.

  3. Lots of prayers being sent your way for a safe surgery and quick recovery.

  4. I will be praying for them both girl...I hope everything goes well..

  5. Sending prayers your way. Safe and quick recovery!

  6. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping for the best!

  7. Our prayers are with you and them and your parents as they travel.

  8. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I can sympathize - Hospice doesn't expect my grandfather to live very much longer, it can be very tough. Sending good thoughts your way...

  9. I don't think I have ever commented before but heve been reading for awhile! I will most certainly be praying for both of them and you!

  10. Of course! What a scary thing for both of them. I will be praying for your family

  11. Lifting them up now! Thank heavens your grandma has a doctor who cared enough to make her stay! So she keep see grandpa another day. They are both in His hand.

  12. God, thank you now for your son Jesus. Thank you that you've given us the opportunity to approach your throne and pour out ourselves, our cares and concerns to you, trusting you will hear us and move on our behalf. Move now by your spirit for Stephanie's grandmother. You know every detail and the outcome. Touch the dr.'s, nurses, anesthesiologists, any and everyone involved in her surgery. Be in the operating room with her as her life is in YOUR hands.

    Move now by your spirit and give Stephanie and the rest of her family peace that they may trust in YOU in a time like this. And Lord, whatever happens, may YOU receive the glory and may it be well with their souls.

    In Jesus' name, Amen.

  13. Thinking of you and your family at this time. Many hugs and prayers for your grandma.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)