Sunday, January 24, 2010

we had fun

Brad Paisley {and Miranda Lambert} in concert was a blast.
We also had a blast celebrating my sister’s 30th yesterday.
Very entertaining pictures to come.
{There was a VERY special, surprise guest! Can’t wait to show you, tomorrow.}
Stay tuned.

OH! and don’t forget to check out the newest addition to the blog – follower of the week! A new follower will be chosen and featured on the blog each week. You can find the very first "Follower of the Week" just below the blog header, above this post. Much love going out to the Sweet T Family! I appreciate each and every one of you SO MUCH, you totally deserve a little praise and a shout out =)


  1. You guys are so cute! It was good to see you today!

  2. you look adorable! love brad, so glad you had a good time! ;)

  3. I'm sure that was a GREAT concert! Love the funky/large picture format!

  4. Your hair is so so shiny! Looks like you had a great time.

    I'm a new follower :)

  5. You guys are just too cute! Glad you had fun!

  6. Love Brad P, so glad you had fun. Cute outfit!!

  7. I love Brad Paisley and Miranda Lambert. He is coming to SC in early March. We are thinking about going.

  8. You two are such an adorable couple!

  9. How much fun! And you looked super fabulous!!

  10. Looks like SO much fun! And your outfit is just perfect for it!! Seriously, you look like an advertisment for it. :)

  11. Girl, you looked awesome! Glad you had so much fun! Love the idea of "follower of the week"!

    Hope you have a great week! Dreading today, Monday...grrrrrr

  12. Gosh....your red hair is amazing! I would love to use the top pic on my Red Curlz blog, if you don't mind...


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)