Tuesday, January 19, 2010


To my excitment {and to the shear horror of my jeans' button barely holding it together for dear life}, I found the shelves of my CVS store already stocked with these little yum-yums. They are my seasonal weakness and it is too scary that they are already out and will be for several more months.

Is there a cadbury cream eggs anonymous? I've already eaten three...

and now I have to work at a place that sales these... isn't that something like sending an alcoholic to work at a liquor store? {Willpower, I never knew thee.}

Not to mention all of the other sugary goodness on the shelves for Valentine's Day and Easter that I only kinda' like and demolish bags full of in a single sitting. No, I love these things.

My thighs will never forgive me.

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OH! Oops... sorry. I couldn't see the keyboard from all the chocolate smearing my fingers are doing ;)

P.S. - Check the sidebar to the right for a new featured post on our blog! It's FYI time, folks!


  1. My husband LOVES these. I always buy him a bunch and leave them for him in random spots.

    I can't say I share the love for them but I do love all the white chocolate that is available during Easter time!!

  2. The good thing is that I'm not too crazy about them. But I can understand the love!

  3. Yummy! I just thought about these this morning when I heard they were sold to Kraft. Yum!!!

  4. For me it's the Reeses peanut butter eggs. Lord have mercy, I will do anything for one of those.

  5. Oh goodness...I love these but I don't love how bad they are for me!

  6. I don't know if there's a Cadbury Cereme Eggs Anonymous, but you can be a founding member of LOWA (Lack of Willpower Anonymous) with me!

  7. If you like those you need to try the Cadbury Mini Eggs. They are my favorite. They are the ones that come in a deep purple bag and they too are addicting!

  8. Oh gosh....so yummy! Valentine's Day and Easter are just killers with all of the good stuff.

  9. Hey- your thighs called- they said they Do in fact forgive you and they enjoyed it. :-) HAhaha

  10. Does this mean you do not want to find any in your Easter basket????

  11. I love those!! I allow myself to eat them Easter week only...otherwise that'd be all I ever consumed!


  12. They never did it for me. I am much worse with baked goods. (homemade of course) I am thinking of making two cakes this weekend, just so I can have some too!

  13. I love Cadbury eggs! Like, verging on obsessed! I could eat these all day. This is not good news for me either...

  14. Oh my goodness I love love love these!!!

  15. I love cadbury eggs...I so wish I would not have seen that they are out at CVS! I may have to stop and get some tomorrow!

  16. The Cadbury Eggs are pretty good, but I'm a total sucker for the Reese's chocolate peanut butter eggs...this is so not going to be good for my waistline!

  17. Stephanie, thanks for visiting my blog. I can't wait to go back either. We just love Chicago. I've never tried a Cadbury Egg can you believe that?

  18. Wow I was stopped by your header, what a stunning photo of everyone in it! And my weakness is chocolate too, lately florentines that I'm happy are too far across town for me to stop and buy. . .

  19. I am a fanatic of the Resee's easter eggs! It's never a good thing when I get my hands on them! So I totally feel for ya!

  20. I forgot I wanted to join in the FYI.

    I was wondering if you do overnight trips a lot due to your job? I have caught on a few times when you were gone but was wondering if it happens a lot?
    Thanks!! Love your blog!

  21. So sorry, it me again! LOL

    I just found the answer to my question, I was behind on my reading!!

  22. Oh great....thanks for reminding me about these little gems.Love them with a glass of milk.

  23. SOOOO good. Wish I had some right about now!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)