Saturday, November 07, 2009

Hey ma, look what I got!

It's been going around, floating in the blogworld air, reading about it with every click, the subject of every post. It seemed like everyone was getting it and I was being left out of all the fun.

Well it's here. I can now join the club.

No, not swine flu, silly-nillie.  

Whatchu talkin'bout,Willis?

It may be only a matter of time with my occupational hazard of seeing hundreds of patients with the flu each day in the pharmacy, trampsing around the aisles with them as they ask me to recommend over-the-counter drugs for every symptom under the sun... though as of yet, neither Nick or I have contracted the dreaded gut wrencher.

Instead of H1N1, I got this fun little blog award from sweet Audrey. A far better trade, wouldn't ya say? Run over and see her new guest bath redo I'm admiring - it's gorgeous! She used the faux board and batten project I've been dieing to apply to the guest bedroom. It's darling in the bathroom and got me thinking the matching guest bath may need some love too...

But it's not all just fun and games with this award - there's questions you must answers and rules you must abide:

-use only 1 word
-pass along to 6 favorite bloggers
-tell them you did so!

How in the heck does anyone expect ME to answer a question with just one word? {I'm sure lots of friends, family, and coworkers would love it if I could keep the chatter to a minimum, but it's just not me.} Gotta love a challenge! 

1. Where is your cell phone? charging

2. Your Hair?

3. Your Mother?

4. Your Father?

5. Your favorite food?

6. Your dream last night?
diabetes (?!?)

7. Your favorite drink?

8. Your dream/goal?

9. What room are you in?

10. Your hobby?

11. Your fear?

12. Where do you want to be in six years?

13. Where were you last night?
CVS/Hampton Inn

14. Something you aren't?

15. Favorite Muffin?

16. Wish List Item?

17. Where did you grow up?

18. Last thing you did?

19. What are you wearing?

20. Your TV?
Mr & Mrs Smith

21. Your Pets?

22. Friends?

23. Your Life?

24. Your Mood?

25. Missing Someone?

26. Vehicle?

27. Something your not wearing? chapstick:(

28. Your favorite store?
hobby lobby

29. Your favorite color?

30. When was the last time you laughed? 07:12:52 pm Saturday, November 7, 2009

31. Last time you cried?

32. Your best friend(s)?

33. One place I could go over and over?

34. Favorite place to ea
t? El Campestre

6 bloggers that I am tagging:

 Disclaimer: These are all glorious reads. You must know that you if you click on any of these links, you will get sucked in and spit out 8 hours later. Maybe set an alarm before you go... something I should do before signing into Blogger each and everytime... it's a thought.

 Onto sweet slumber and dreams of home. I've been on the road since Sunday. Home with Nick only for Wednesday night and not scheduled to be back till near midnight on Monday.

My heart absolutley. can. not. wait.


  1. TOO Cute!!

    Congrats on the award!! :)

  2. Love it! Congrats on the award.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this! Thanks for tagging me, I'll do my post soon! :)

  4. Congratulations. I always wanted you to have an award with a pig on it. Carole said keeep it up and post more often. Love, Mom

  5. Thanks for playing! I always make sure my husband disinfects himself thoroughly when he comes home from work. You poor pharmacists deal with so many gross and sick people every day!

    I saw that you tagged Lyndsie's blog. My good friend, Britni, is friends with her IRL. I think it's so neat how bloggers all seem to be interconnected somehow!

  6. Cute post BTW, thanks for tagging me, and thanks for the sweet weight loss comments!

  7. Love your blog Stephanie! Congrats on the award!

  8. okay so I Googled "decorating a bedroom for a boy and a girl" to get some ideas of how I'm going to put my 4 and 5 year old in the same room, and your blog comes up.
    Thought it was neat that you live in Kentucky and love the Lord too, so I had to leave you a comment.
    Congrats on your blog award, I currently have mono, so I'm gonna check out your faves. And I saw you stalk one of me number 1 blogs too, Darby!
    Okay so this is a bit long for an introduction, hope you have a great day! Check out my life if you like at Sippycups and Fingerprints!

    PS go UK!!

  9. you are so sweet! I totally thought that you had the swine flu from the picture... fooled me! :) I love your blog... I'll do my post soon!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)