Thursday, September 03, 2009

Dearly beloved

{The following pictures are all from the very lovely wedding shower thrown in honor of these two love birds this past weekend.}

We're heading out today, Cincinnati bound for Chad and Lauren's wedding extravaganza!!

I'll be on the road in less than an hour to meet up with Lauren and her girls for a night on the town. The last bachelorette party I attended was my own... and it was a blast ;) I can't wait to do it again!

Nick has a church softball game tonight but will be driving up separate at O'dark-thirty so he, his dad, brother, and friends can get up early tomorrow morning and enjoy a round on the links... which I suppose may be fun in guy world - ?

We are so full of love and excitement for these two! I've called Lauren my sister-in-law since as far as I can remember knowing her, but it will be so wonderful to make it official. There are no two better suited for one another and I can't wait to see them tie the knot this weekend.

I'm also very excited that tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of the day Nick and I got engaged and we get to celebrate with a big fancy party! {Or possibly, the party is a rehearsal dinner party for C&L, but we can also be celebrating our love on the inside.}

Now I must be getting back to finishing the delicious, obscene cake I'm baking for the party tonight! I borrowed the pan from my maid-of-honor, Bridget, who baked a similar cake for me last year. I can't wait to return it to her and get that thing out of my kitchen!

{By the way, I was trying to determine the bake time for such a cake based on the times given for different size pans on the back of the cake mix box. I wonder why they don't list a time for a phallic shaped cake pan? I ended up having to guess and poking a toothpick in the middle to see if it was finished --- Ouch! =) }

Now you will feel no rain

For each of you will be shelter to the other.

Now each of you will feel no cold

For each of you will be warmth to the other.

Now there is no loneliness for you

For each of you will be companion to the other.

Now you are two persons

But there is one life before you.

Go now to your dwelling place to enter into the days of your togetherness

And may your days be good and long upon the earth.

P.S. - Happy Birthday to my other favorite brother-in-law today, David, whose wedding I particularly enjoyed when he married my sister. As a teenager at the time, I was so happy to get my "second mother" out of the house and into his! hehe =) He deserves a fabulous birthday!


  1. I have no idea how I came about your blog, but I love it; it is too cute! That's so funny that your sister-in-law will be married this weekend; mine will be, too! I hope you enjoy the family wedding festivities, too!

  2. How exciting!! Post pictures fromt the wedding when you get the chance! Nothing better than looking at brides in their gorgeous gowns!

  3. Have fun in Cincinnati. That is where I went to college and it is a great town! Enjoy.

  4. Weddings are so much fun and such a great way to remember your own special day! Have fun and like Court said post pictures! There is nothing I love more than good wedding pictures!

  5. have a great weekend girly!
    can't wait to see pics from the wedding ;)

  6. I love that poem we are having it read during our ceremony!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)