Friday, August 14, 2009

Happiness is...

...sleeping in late on a Friday morning with my husband, since we both had the day off.

...being able to sleep in late because my wonderful hubby installed the curtain rods and hung up the new curtains to keep the beautiful sunlight out when it's not so beautiful in the wee morning hours.

...enjoying laying out in the sun on the deck for the first time this summer {and most likely, my last} while Nick reads a book and the pup hides under the deck to escape the heat.

...not putting on my full mask of war paint, a.k.a. make-up or washing/blow-drying my hair.
{Though I did shower! Twice even!}

...spending a good amount of time shopping the sales while the hubby finds happiness on the links with friends.

...meeting back up with hubby after our shopping/golf for dinner on the deck and happily remarking that it is the most perfect temperature outside.

...strolling around the neighborhoods with my boys, people watching and helping Hendrix find his happiness in the sniffing/peeing on of every blade of grass, tree, and inanimate object along the way.

...going to bed early for my 12 hour shift starting at 7am on Saturday morning.

...having a job, especially in this economy, and especially since it's such a great job.

I hope you all found happiness on this good Friday!


  1. Sounds like a perfect day.

  2. ...all great things to be happy about!

  3. Cute post. Happy weekend.

  4. Hello, I'm loving your great blog -your posts are really interesting so thanks very much for sharing them. Pictures are really good too !

    Happy weekend,

  5. I completely agree with the bedroom makes a WORLD of difference regarding sleep patterns!

  6. awww i like this list!! hope you had a wonderful weekend hun!!

  7. Yes, praise God for providing jobs!!!!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)