Saturday, July 25, 2009

Giveaway Celebration!

In honor of:
  • The Blue-Eyed Boy and The Brown-Eyed Girl's one year wedding anniversary
  • The Brown-Eyed girl passing the first of two boards for her pharmacist's license
  • This little blog reaching 100+ followers =)
  • And because it's our one year "blogiversary" this Friday, the 31st!

I'm hosting my first giveaway! I really thought about this one... what y'all would like, what is something that most anyone could use, what's easy and inexpensive to ship... and this is what I came up with:

A $50 Gift Certificate to Sephora!!

Who couldn't use that?!

Even if you're the one guy in the world that accidently clicked on my blog because it came up on your google search and you meant to click the link above it and instead you wound up here...

Girls love SEPHORA! Got a girl you want to impress? Believe me, she'll be happy with a trip to this little store!

The gift certificate takes the load off of my shoulders... between fragrance, haircare, skincare, makeup, bath and body, tools and even a men's section, there gotta be something you would love to add to your beauty arsenal.

If you're like me, the overwhelming guilt of spending too much money on vanity drives you to the Wal-mart makeup counter every time... let me take the guilt away!

And if your in my particular boat... your husband won't mind you dropping $50 at Sephora when The Brown-Eyed Girl is picking up the tab =)

Every picture above features something that could be bought for $50 or less at Sephora.

Check out for more!

This is how you enter and increase your chances of winning.

1. You get ONE entry by commenting on this post.

2. You get TWO entries by commenting and by being a follower. {Mention in your post that you're a follower as well to let me know!}

3. You get FOUR entries by commenting about this post on your blog and linking it back to this post!

You can copy and paste this link: {Also let me know in your post that you mentioned us on your blog so I can give you your proper chances to win!}

The giveaway ends Saturday, August 1st at midnight. I'll be drawing and announcing the winner on Sunday, August 2nd. Good luck and thanks for reading!


  1. oooo what a good giveaway! you're starting things off in a great way!

    I'm a follower and mentioning you on my blog...

    pick me, pick me, pick me! : )

  2. Who doesn't love make-up?? I love your blog. I found it through my sister's blog. I mentioned you in my blog and I follow you! :)

  3. oh this is such a great giveaway!! congrats on all of your reasons, all of them are so exciting and a reason to celebrate!! I am a follower!!!

  4. Yay! I've never had anything from sephora. I'm also a follower.

  5. I'm already a follower on your blog and love it! Clever giveaway!

  6. I'm already a follower, and I'm about to mention this giveaway on my blog :)

  7. I love this giveaway! I'm a follower and have been reading your blog for a while. Pick me, please :)

  8. What an awesome giveaway girl!!!
    I'm commenting, I'm a follower, and I'm going to blog about it :):)

  9. Yes please!!! I am a follower :)

  10. Yay!!! I'm a follower and will post this on my blog :)

  11. I love Sephora! Count me in. I'm a follower, too :)

  12. I love Sephora and I'm a follower!

  13. Great giveaway! I am already a follower and love reading your blog. Have a great day!


  14. you are so fancy, with your blog giveaway!! I hope I win.... Pick me for old times sake! :)
    I'm a follower!

  15. I'm a follower and I love your blog! What a great giveaway!

  16. How awesome. And congrats on all your accomplishments. And I am a follower.

  17. So glad I became a follower a few weeks ago! And I LOVE makeup!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Found your blog through Kelly's Korner. Congrats on your anniversary and passing your boards!!

  20. Congrats on all the exciting things happening in your life! You definitely deserve to celebrate!!

    I'm a follower and posted about your giveaway on my blog...thanks!

  21. I am a follower, but this is my first time commenting...I am shy! Congrads on passing the test, i know it was so stressful! Hope I get lucky I could use some new makeup!

  22. Wow, your blog is getting big! :) I'm entering this little give-away, congrats on passing your boards!

  23. sephora is amazing! 50 dollars is like my minimum spent just for walking in...

    love and your blog from a fellow brown-eyed girl and follower!!

  24. I just recently discovered your blog through a friend, and just became a follower! Congrats on 1 year of marriage and passing your boards, both are big deals!

  25. I may be that one guy... But yes, my wife does love Sephora. She'd really be swept off her feet with a gift like this!

  26. (forgot to mention I am now following)

  27. congrats on your "blog-versary"!!! i am one follower that LOVES sephora!!! ;)

  28. I'd love to be entered! This would be great. Thanks so much.

    I'm a follower.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  29. Are you serious?!?! You're awesome! I love your blog. I'm a follower but I don't have a blog. I'm just on facebook but I eventually plan on starting my own blog to talk about my two crazy little girls, Bella and Mia! Congrats to you and thanks for blogging!!!

    Cindy Forberg

  30. Congratulations!! That is so awesome! I'm a follower and I absolutely LOVE your blog!

  31. Our blog names are similar! We must both have blue-eyed boys ;)

    I just started following your blog!

    Happy anniversary. Ours is on the 8th of August. Yay.

  32. How nice of you to do this giveaway! Very sweet - congratulations on all the milestones that you're celebrating! Love reading your blog...


  33. Im a follower, I love love love your blog!!

  34. I am a follower of your blog, and fingers crossed I win! I was just there yesterday and had my eye on future purchases!!

    Julie D

  35. Congrats! Those are quite a few milestones. Oh yeah, I'm a follower too.

  36. Hey Stephanie, I found your blog through Kelly's home tours and have just started my blog recently, I love reading your posts Yall are just so adorable!I ama follower and I mentioned you in my blog :)

  37. I'm a follower and I'd love to be entered in this giveaway. I really need a treat!

  38. yay for giveaways! congrats on making it a year! hubs and i are celebrating a year in a few weeks! i'm also a follower :o)

  39. What a great giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed that I win.


  40. this is a fantastic give away!
    and congrats on all of your exciting reasons!...your blog is adorable!! i'm a follower!

  41. This offer is wonderful:):) I found your blog from my friend Lea Liz Roland. I am now a follower and I will for sure mention this in my blog! I'm new at this whole blog thing so help me out and follow me too:) Thanks girl!

  42. Awesome giveaway!! Please put me down for four entries :)

    Have a good one!

  43. Awesome giveaway! I'll put you on my blogroll too!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. What a great giveaway! Oh and I just became a follower!

  46. +4 blogged:

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  47. I've been a secret reader for a while now and I figured I'd make myself known! Who could pass up this opportunity?! I will also become a follower (once I publish this comment!)

    I'm crossing my (unmanicured - see, I need that girf certificate) fingers! :)

  48. I love Sephora products-thankyou for the chance!

    Elaine R

  49. I made my first Sephora store visit and purchase last Thursday. Loved it! I am/have been a follower from day ONE (and really many years before!!!! However, I don't have a blog:( But I hope I get picked!!!

  50. Stephanie...I don't know much about blogging and don't have an accoutn...I am the anonymous comment that just made my first Sephora purchase last Thursday...CAROLE BENTLEY!

  51. I would love a sephora gift card!!!! I found your blog on Kelly's Korner and have been reading for a few months now. I love it. I am a follower of your blog and I also mentioned your blog (and linked it back to yours)on my blog post today. Pick me, I could use a nice shopping spree!

  52. This is an awesome giveaway idea! I follow your blog and am inspired to start my own! Congratulations on all four accomplishments :-)

  53. I can't remember how I found you (the blog, maybe?) but I've been following for a while. Keep up the good work!

  54. I would really like the Sephora Gift Card. I am a follower.

  55. Wow! This is my kind of giveaway! I'm a follower too!

  56. Congrats, great reasons to have a giveaway and gift cards are perfect! I found you through Kelly's blog on her Show Us Where You Live Friday and I look for you every Friday! Love your posts, I do not have a blog but I did tell my friends about your blog!

  57. I forgot to give you my email address my post did not mention it. it is listed under Liza said....

  58. You are stunning! You were such a beautiful bride! Please enter me in the drawing! I am a follower of your blog as well! Thanks for following our blog! : )

  59. Ohhhhh.....awesome giveaway. I LOooooove that store and could use it!

    i am going to add follow you and and mention you on my blog. Mine is private is that ok??:)

    Corie Connelly

  60. Congrats on your beautiful new home and graduation from pharmacy school! Sephora is the bomb . . . thanks for such a GREAT giveaway. I don't have a blog of my own, but love reading yours :)

  61. So fun! What a great giveaway!

    Congrats on all of your reasons to celebrate! :)

  62. I lofe the coffee table. I am praying for the test this Friday.

  63. Just came upon your lovely blog- Glad I did! I'm now a follower. Count me in for the giveaway!

    Have a lovely day!
    ~ Kelly~

  64. What a great giveaway! I *heart* Sephora so please count me in too! thanks again!

  65. Congratulations! The Sephora gift certificate would allow me to splurg on that Diesel Fuel For Life Cologne that the hubby said he liked!

    Thanks - Miranda

  66. Cute blog and great givaway!

    Im a new follower and will post about this on my side bar!

  67. I finally became a follower after being a stalker for months..haha.. somebody needs to have another party soon!!

  68. I'm going to become a follower, I found you on Wait for Me (Liana's) blog and love it! I'm also a brown eyed girl who married a blue eyed boy...they're the best, aren't they?

    Love the giveaway!

  69. I love Sephora and I'm a follower now! Pick me!!

  70. Congrats on passing your boards and your fantastic blog!! What a great giveaway... I am a beauty product junkie so I sephora gift card would be right up my alley..

    Thanks so much

  71. Hi Stephanie! I found you a while back from Kelly's Korner and LOVE your blog!! Congrats on passing your boards, Happy Anniversary and you have a beautiful home!

    I am a follower!

  72. oooo,ahhhhhh, can't believe i almost missed this!!
    pretty please count me in!! what an awesome giveaway!! L.O.V.E.I.T.
    I'm also a your blog ;)
    posting a link on my blog right now!

  73. Hi! I found your blog a while ago and have enjoyed it every now and then. Keep it up and congratulations on all of your reasons to celebrate! :o)You are doing a great job!

  74. I dropped in from Annie! You are gorgeous! I hope I win! I could use some new makeup!

    Ps. I'm a follower and I posted it on my blog! xoxox

  75. this is an Amaaaazing giveaway!!

    I also became a follower! :D


    I heard about your blog from "Wife.Mom.Me" and had to stop by!!
    i LOVE your header, what a fantastic picture!

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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)