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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Breathe in, breathe out and repeat, "Don't worry, be happy."










I'm back and forth between a calm, at peace person who "knows" I'll do just fine and a frantic, stressed person who can't believe how much more there is out there that I could have studied and did not :(

I wish the first girl would win over so my heart can stop jumping out of my chest and I could stop moping around the house in an unwarranted depression.

But some good news: I took the "preNAPLEX" online yesterday and got a 105! That's actually pretty low compared to others' scores, but you only need a 75 to pass. 'Good enough' has always been my motto and I will apply it here as well.

Pray for me, K?

No, seriously, pleeeeeeeeease pray for me.

On a fun note, my Mom brought by the top tier of our wedding cake today so it would be here and ready for us to dig into on Sunday... our first wedding anniversary!


{I'm finding it very hard not to dig into today. It still looks so good after one year!}


  1. It sounds like you are more than prepared for this can definitely do it! Good Luck!

  2. I have my fingers crossed and you will be in my prayers until you blog that you passed the test!!!

  3. Leave the cake until Sunday. I brought friendship bread for you for the weekend. You are in my thoguhts and prayers. See you Friday after the test. We will eat anywhere you want, dessert included.Mom

  4. Good luck!! I have been trying to get MyLiveSignature to work and I have no idea how to get it to actually show up on my posts, how did you do it?

  5. Good luck on your test!
    We just had our first anniversary back in May and our cake was still yummy! Have a good 1st Anniversary!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)