Monday, June 15, 2009

I need YOU! {To my true-blue bloggy friends}

We had a fun weekend peppered with a few moments with my favorite in-laws. Chad and Lauren were in town for her cousin's wedding and stayed the night with us on Friday. Nick's mom and dad were staying at the Marriott in town for an Oil and Gas conference and came by our place to see their son and daughter-in-law in from Michigan. {I think they came to see us too and I think I may have got some of those details a little mixed-up, but I have a hard enough time remembering why I was in town this weekend...}

Nick got to go to a Reds' game on Saturday morning with his dad and brother and even got to go early to take batting practice with the Reds as a season ticket holder. Nick was one of the few that hit the ball, and probably the only one who hit it well and even cracked the bat! His poppa was so proud telling the story. Wish I could have been there for that!

In our impromptu photo shoot on Sunday, I was in the midst of getting ready for work. So please forgive my scrubs, ugly bare feet, and barely dry hair. To me, everyone else looks beautiful but I'm sure would love to add their own disclaimers if they had their way.

But they don't, because it's my blog. So they'll have to start their own or sue me for including them =)

And now, I need YOUR help!! Nick and I are heading out for a 4 day trip to Chicago on Thursday. I have had absolutely NO TIME to plan any part of this trip, have only spent a few hours in O'Hara airport on a layover one time to add my little Chicago experience, and have no clue where to go or what to do. What plans we do have, my wonderful husband has poured himself into but also has little to no experience in the city - that he remembers - he was a wee little one the last time he was there.

So YOU - Do you have any advice for our trip? Have you been to Chicago? Know someone who has? Heard of fun times to be had there? Have a suggestion for fun ways to pass the time on the 6 hour drive there? Recommendations on places to eat, shop, see, dance... CAN YOU HELP IN ABSOLUTELY ANY WAY POSSIBLE SO WE CAN HAVE THE BEST TRIP POSSIBLE????????????

I would so appreciate anything you would like to add to the conversation, even if it's just fun anecdotes about your own to trip you took to anywhere this summer. I'm off of work on Wednesday and may have a few minutes to surf the net and research the trip, so give me a jumping off point to direct my research!

A 1000 thank-you's in advance!


  1. Places to go:
    Michigan ave (for awesome shopping!)
    Grant park
    Millenium park
    Navy pier (ride the ferris wheel)
    Chicago Chophouse is a good restaurant and eat pizza! There are a ton of yummy Chicago style pizza restaurants!!!

    Have fun!

  2. Let's see... last time we went we:
    went shopping on Michigan Ave
    ate pizza at Gino's East
    went to the Shedd Aquarium
    took a boat tour... good for resting feet if you are doing lots of walking :)

    and this was my FAVE... we went to the hancock building... it costs like $10+ dollars to go to the observation room, but there is a bar + lounge just a few floors below it called the signature room. all you have to pay to go there is the price of a drink! if you go, visit the ladies rest room... best view ever!

    these are all very touristy things to do, sorry! :) have a great time!

  3. I'm SO jealous!! I have been wanting to go to Chicago forever!!! No advice...sorry:( But have so much fun!

  4. Hello,

    New here, just stopped by, but I love visiting chicago! So I thought I'd leave my suggestions for some sightseeing:

    Navy Pier
    Millenium Park
    Museum of Science and Industry (so cool.)
    Top of the John Hancock Center for a drink.
    Shopping on Michigan Ave.

  5. I second everything that Kara said, as I was with her on her last trip. Seriously, we had so much fun at the Hancock Tower. And I was even pregnant, so no drinky-drinky for me! :)

    I will say that I have always found Navy Pier to be a bit disappointing, but boat tours are the best! :) Plus, it gives you a chance to sit and relax after walking everywhere.

    Oh, and I recommend the Art Museum over Shedd Aquarium. I'm pretty sure Kara would agree with that.

  6. Perhaps I should add that I'm TERRIFIED of ferris wheels? That might explain why I don't like Navy Pier. :)
    Roller coasters, no problem, but ferris wheels... they're a death trap. ;)

  7. Place I told you this weekend:
    Filene's Basement:
    830 N. Michigan Avenue
    Chicago, IL 60611

    They have all designer close anywhere from 30-60% off--perfect place to shop on a budget!
    Sorry, I don't have anymore places, all I cared about was budget shopping and all Chad cared about was baseball, so that's pretty much ALL we did!
    Love you--L

  8. Hi. My husband is working for a year in Bloomington,Il. which is about an hour or two from Chicago. We're going there to visit him next week for 6 weeks and Chicago is on our to do list several times. My hubby has been so far for a Cubs game. We've been told the same things most have mentioned already. Michigan Ave., Hancock Tower, Navy Pier, the boat tours. My husband says deep dish pizzas are a must there and he said the best is Giordano's. Have fun.

  9. You really should do the architecture river boat tour..rebecca and i did it when we were there in september and it was so much fun..we had an awesome tour boards at navy hour long...and around $25 a person..we both thought it was worth it!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)