Friday, June 05, 2009

The cute factor

I can't stop catching "cute" on camera around the house and in the backyard these days.

All of these images make me feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside. It's almost too much to take!

This evening, I've been enjoying time out on the deck with my pup. He with his chew bone, me with my study flash-cards. Each of us making leaps and bounds of progress while enjoying beautiful weather.

Hubby went to the Cincinnati Reds game with his dad tonight and won't be back till late... but he still gladly said yes to accompanying me tomorrow morning on my scavenger hunt.

It's called "thrifting" if you're dressing it up and "gettin' your yard-sale on" if you're a straight shooter. Either way, it's my first time and I'm excited! Crossing my fingers for some great finds. We'll be heading out later tomorrow evening for an outdoor wedding which ALSO warms my heart =)

I'm off to get a newspaper and map out my route for 7am!


  1. My husband and I are planning on going to hit up some yard sales ourselves in the morning...I just don't think I'll be up and ready to go at 7 am! Check out craigslist in your area for them too! I was able to find a lot of sales happening!

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment. It's nice to know that someone out there is listening :)

  3. your comment made my day... you're such a doll!

    and i am in LOVE with the pooch!! is he a westie??

  4. Love the one of your doggie peeking, just the dog I would have,if I could handle watching after anything else!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)